New Aquarium (Fish-In Cycling...), Couple Qs

As I wrote earlier in the thread, I am now using an Aquaclear 30 HOB... I have the initial media installed (sponge, carbon, bio-max, from bottom to top)

I want to change to Sponge, bio-max, bio-max ... will I delay my cycle if I take out the carbon now and replace? Or should I just wait until the tank has cycled with the current media, change it, and monitor for spikes / cycle again if it happens when I change out the carbon?
I just posted this in another thread before deleting so as not to take over:

"Hm my tank is actually at 78F (25.6c)...I pH tested again last night with the API Master Kit, and today I used a strip available through another means and got matching results of approximately 8.2...

On a side note all of the reading of this forum and others have caused me to post on craigslist that I am seeking a home for the danios for someone with an already established school seeking 3 more to add, and not seeking anyone interested in using them to cycle or as feeders. hopefully I get a bite as I don't think the danios have a place in most of my community / fish ideas. Of course I will provide them with the proper care, conditions, and tankmates they deserve if I can't find a suitable home!"

If I move the danios out I will fishless cycle, switch to a sandy bottom, and probably use this as a pygmy cory / betta tank, and when the filter is mature media in 6 months expand to a "long" variety tank elsewhere in the living room. I love bettas and miss having one but don't want to end up with three tanks so the 20-Tall will be his massive home. If i don't change my mind before I finish cycling : )
Woo! Found an adopter who will pick them up from me tomorrow afternoon.

I will start a new thread/log on my fishless cycle soon and this thread can be considered "finished" thank you
Will keep an eye out for your fishless cycle thread.


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