New Albino Cory


New Member
Oct 12, 2003
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Beautiful California!!!!!!
HI all,

I bought a baby Albino Cory yesterday as I've been hearing my other Cory should have company. He is very little. He hide in the sharks house all yesterday and today I can't find him anywhere. Are Cory's that scared? Was it a bad idea to pick such a small one?

The fact that it's a young fish my have something to do with it being frightened but remember most fish need some time to get used to new surroundings. The bigger issue is that corys like company of their own kind. I think if you can get a couple more just like the one you have you will see all of them more often.
he's probably just getting used to the new 'house'. is he a similar-ish size to the other cory. he'll grow soon, and fit in better anyway :)
thanks for your comments. No he is not similiar in size to the other Cory, he is way smaller. My daughter loved him so we got him. I will get a couple more Cory's.

Does anyone think the pleco would have eaten him? Also, he has to be in the coral house I have where the rts normally is. Ugh oh!
i've never heard of plecos eating cories, at least not from peole on the forum (i've never kept plecos)
I don't think a Pleco would've eaten the little guy.

I just purchased 2 "micro" Albino Corys last week. :thumbs: They were to keep my medium-sized Albino company after his friends passed away recently. The 2 new guys don't seem to be "hiding" much, but I sure as heck have a hard time spotting them... even in a small 6 gallon tank. Yesterday, I was searching low and high trying to find one of them... turns out he was sitting right in front of my face, but there was a downslope in gravel that blocked him from my sight. :lol:
jaywings19 said:
I was searching low and high trying to find one of them... turns out he was sitting right in front of my face, but there was a downslope in gravel that blocked him from my sight. :lol:
they're hard to spot, aren't they?! :lol: i spend ages looking everyday :D
sorry to hear that. are you gonna get another? maybe if you tell your lfs what hapenned, they'll give you one :thumbs: (don't know though -_- )
rsz said:
sorry to hear that. are you gonna get another? maybe if you tell your lfs what hapenned, they'll give you one :thumbs: (don't know though -_- )
That happeend to me once or twice before. Bought a fish and the next day found it dead. It might have been acclimation shock to the water quality in your tank compared to the LFS water.

When this occurs with a day or so of the purchase, then I contact the store and let them know what happened. They usually ask me to bring the dead fish and a water sample from the tank so they can test it. If all tests pass, then they give me a replacement fish for free. Conact your LFS and see what they say. :thumbs:
I am sorry to hear about the loss of the little albino cory. If you want to get companions for the corys that you have you should make sure that they are all the same species of cory. Even though most of the corys look the same to us (at least generally the same) they can tell the difference and like to hang out with only their own species.
guppymonkey said:
I am sorry to hear about the loss of the little albino cory. If you want to get companions for the corys that you have you should make sure that they are all the same species of cory. Even though most of the corys look the same to us (at least generally the same) they can tell the difference and like to hang out with only their own species.
That is not necessarily true. Take a look at my signature. The 4 corys I have (3 different types) all hang out together at some point. I see the Julii and Panda together, then the Julii and Albino... sometimes all 4 of them.

Although, my 2 albinos tend to hang together more... it's definitely not a hard rule.

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