New Addition Today (with Pics)

I was at a fish shop earlier this week and spotted some plecos listed bristlenoses and they were exactly the same as them.Only 4 pounds each :shout:
i sore 1 of them the other day in a place near ipswich and i think they were about 15 too 20 squid very nice wish i had more money at the time and a nana that wernt so tight edit coz forgot 2 say at my lfs they called them galaxy plecs
Adult Peppermints lose the white on the tail and most of the white spots tend to fade.
My LFS sells adults for 100 AUD but you could work it down to 80.
They are pretty much all black with no discerning features besides the bristles of course.
Kevstir:he is a bristlenose , just a different strand/breed. there are the peppermints, commons, albinos, and orange spots, these are the only ones i have seen in the shops, but there are hundreds more. n if any one is interested i did get one of the orange spots, very beautiful bristlenose, think it might be a male but still a little small to tell.
There are two Starlight Bristlenose Species, the L-182 and L-183 and that is most definitely one of them. L-183 and I'm going to be getting some of these beauties myself in the near future. :) 183's get to 5" and 182's get to 9" in length. I sure hope that is a 183. :lol:

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