New 6x2x2 australian native tank.

the next thing im not sure if you should use and i would like any advice, thease are ciggirete filters. not used of course and they have a huge sa/v ratio but im not sure if they have anything bad in them. i used them anyway.


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because of the tannin i got 1 kg of charcoal and sowed the filter wool around it and washed it in the bath.


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Man, sweet tank! Im not too sure on the cigarete filters though? :/ Id be a bit cautious about them.

But other than that, alll i can say is LOVIN the beer kegs! :D Aussie Aussie Aussie! :rofl:
I love the hood extension to allow the plants to grow out of the water!! I have been planning on doing something similar for my brackish set up when we move and have a bit more space so that i can grow live mangroves out of the water without the fish leaping out, can i ask what it is built from and how you put it together? (glass/acrylic timber frame etc)
next you add the inert biological media to a bucket with holes cut out the sides and gutter guard siliconed to the holes (to stop the media falling out).


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mr_miagi32 yeah the kegs go great and im not too sure about the buts but i will do some research on the net tonight, cant do harm yet as there are no fish

cheers CFC i would have taken pics as i built the hood but i have to borrow the camera from dad but

i basically built a box the size of the tank (out of MDF) with a floor mid way (supported by strips of timber from the top) with spaces for the fluros to slot in then i brought angle steel which was going in the corners See pic where the floor of the light hood rests on and is bolted to the sides the angle steen is bolted to the wall but that was my fault because i didnt but enough to go to the floor and i also wanted it suspended. however i put thos 2 aluminium poles at the front as it was saging with the weight of the lights.

if the fish jump out you could build a wall of perspex into the wood capping but i will see if it happens, cant put a lid as the light needs to penitrate as far as possible.

ps a mangrove setup would be perfect i realy wanted to do it but i want rainbow fish in this tank so ill have to find other options.


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add A, B, C and D

to get a great cheap filter


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There are mangroves that grow in FW as well as brackish ;)
the 2 lifeforms in the tank, they are banana lillies and are realy small and r australian natives, and seem to have enough light so far.


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one of the future catfish, i will have two of thes salmon tailed cats as the get realy big, hes in my cichlid tank at the moment and about 8 in.


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cheers puffer freak.
there will be about 5-7 of these guys, golden eel tailed cats


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Interesting htread to read :) Thats a lot of work you have put into it. Hope to see some more updated pics soon ;)
Great tank there, I didn't realise it wasn't a tank on top until the 2nd page with a full set up shot, I kept on thinking when are you filling it :lol:

should be quite a sight when you have establised plants in there.

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