New 5 Us Gallon Tank Journal

Update: I was reading the nitrite test incorrectly, mistaking off the scale for <.25 because it was a light grey/purple. But then as time progressed it turned green! So I did roughly a 95% water change to purge the nitrites. My reasoning for this is due to my dosing and converting 4 ppm of ammonia each day, I can imagine it would have taken a long time to catch up (as most lower their dose of ammonia once the nitrites start forming). So I am using today to see how much nitrite my bacteria can convert in 24 hours. Hopefully it will be a low reading tomorrow afternoon.
Still no noticeable movement on nitrite. Had nitrite present in tank for 27 days. Ammonia took 16 days to process through the first dose. So theoretically nitrite will drop in ~5 days? ::Crosses fingers::
Still no noticeable movement on nitrite. Had nitrite present in tank for 27 days. Ammonia took 16 days to process through the first dose. So theoretically nitrite will drop in ~5 days? ::Crosses fingers::

Might be worth doing a full set of tests, has your PH dropped? is ammonia still be processed? how high are you nitrates?

Also what temp is your tank at?
Checked the pH two days ago it was still above 7.6. Checked Nitrate yesterday morning, still 5 ppm. Temperature is ~30 C. Ammonia was still being processed as of a few days ago.

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