New 300L Aquarium

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So since I have finished for for Christmas now, I was gonna transfer my fish today, but for some reason I am still getting a ammonia reading of about 0.25ppm, which is wierd cause I added some media to the internal I have in there from my current tank to get that down to 0 ppm, but after 3 days it is still 0.25ppm.

Would a change in ph shock bacteria and kill them as the ph in my current tank is 7.5 and this one is 6.5 6.8 hard to tell?
Our could I still just transfer all my fish and media and allow the fully cycled media to clean up the 0.25ppm of ammonia?
Our should I just be patient and let ammonia go down?
Finally transferred my fish over on Saturday with no fatalities thankfully, also went and got 2 young angels which are in quarantine now, not sure how long I will keep them there as they are pretty healthy, and they are the same ones that were in the store 2-3 weeks ago, so they must be in pretty good condition.
Picked up 6 sterbais today as decided 14 will be enough totaling 15 corys in all with the three line, going to leave them in quarantine till about February. Decided to just get 6 as I want to leave room for maybe some other fish instead of just having 4 species in the tank in total. Sorry about no pictures because the tank just looks the same as the pics above with some tetras darting about. The corys just hide under the wood, but I will get some pics tonight of the Angels and the new corys in quarantine.
Update of 300l pic, thinking about just removing the plant to the right as the leaves are a PITA for getting stuck in the intakes.

The quarantine tank that looks nicer than the 300l at the moment.

And the fish


Now I just to decide on whether get 12 rummy noses and 20 cardinals to have 20 of each, our just have a 30 strong group of rummys. Decisions decisions.
Decided I want 24 corys as I love them, have 15 at the moment so going to go get the rest on Tuesday if they have any left. As the ones in the 300l are right scaredy cats and the new ones don't dart away when you go near the glass so hopefully a nice big group of confident corys will make the scaredy ones hide less.
Was in a store yesterday and they had this lovely anubai for cheap, so I couldn't not have it. Also ordered some Porto Velho to fill in the foreground on the left, still think I need to remove the stuff on the right as I don't like it. Sorry about reflections as I keep letting the light go off before I take one in the dark.image.jpg
Some better pics, I think uploading them on here ruins them as on my iPad they look much better. Any ideas how I can change this?
Bit of an update pic as I got some new plants for the foreground today, should hopefully carpet and give my corys more places to hide so they come out more. Still unsure if I like the plant on the right, any suggestions? The only reasons it is still in is cause it hides the heater and intake and I don't have anything to replace it with.

If leaves are dropping of that plant, chances are its not totally happy. Though i really like the look of it actually. If it were me i'd be pushing it right to the back with the Val
Coming along though....well done
Alasse said:
If leaves are dropping of that plant, chances are its not totally happy. Though i really like the look of it actually. If it were me i'd be pushing it right to the back with the Val
Coming along though....well done
the leaves weren't dropping off, just abit dead after being in the post for a week, and it's meant to be a foreground plant, grows like this
Moved the Angels over and will be moving the last 6 corys over next week and then going to purchase some more rummys our maybe some cardinals.

My iPad sucks at taking pics.


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