New 30 Gal (110L) Family community Tank project


Fish Fanatic
Feb 19, 2022
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Hereford UK
Got a new 110L tank to go into the family room at home (making it a little family project and getting the kids involved) Moved some fish over from the smaller tank.
Still need some more plants but so far looking good. Water is still a little tea coloured from the Rose wood.


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Wow sounds
3 panda Cory's
2 Rams
4 Gouramis, 2 Honey Red, 2 Dwarf
6 Harlequins
4 Platies (Moved from small Tank)
3 Guppies (Moved from small tank)
Wow sounds like you have some really great fish in there. The only thing I would add would be 3 more panda Cory’s since they are meant to be in schools and a few more plants like you were saying.
Wow sounds

Wow sounds like you have some really great fish in there. The only thing I would add would be 3 more panda Cory’s since they are meant to be in schools and a few more plants like you were saying.
Yeah agreed , I do think 3 more pandas, I want to give it time for the Algee to build up a little and I'd like to add a bristlenose also, but I'll see what it's like in a month or so first and keep an eye on the water condition.
Sounds good. Are you planning on getting a special kind of pleco or just a bristlenose? One of my biggest regrets were getting fish that are really cool but then finding out how many other kinds there are and wishing I had researched more. I just know how many cool kinds of plecos there are. I am not sure if they are all good for a 30 gallon but you never know so just an idea.
Sounds good. Are you planning on getting a special kind of pleco or just a bristlenose? One of my biggest regrets were getting fish that are really cool but then finding out how many other kinds there are and wishing I had researched more. I just know how many cool kinds of plecos there are. I am not sure if they are all good for a 30 gallon but you never know so just an idea.
Your right there are some cool other plecos but I Think I'm restricted to the size of the tank...I think just a bristlenose but ill keep researching to see other smaller plecos.
Sorry I just realized how rude I have been. If you want to get a bristlenose pleco than go for it. They are such cool plecos and very popular. I love your tank setup. You have some beautiful fish in there! What kind of gourami is the 4th image the one that’s kind of red? He is sooooo beautiful I don’t think I have ever seen one like that before.
I didn't think it was rude at all.
I believe It's a red Honey Gourami.

Sorry I just realized how rude I have been. If you want to get a bristlenose pleco than go for it. They are such cool plecos and very popular. I love your tank setup. You have some beautiful fish in there! What kind of gourami is the 4th image the one that’s kind of red? He is sooooo beautiful I don’t think I have ever seen one like that before.
The fish sold as red honey gouramis are often mis-labelled thick lipped gouramis, which grow bigger than honeys.

It is not usually a good idea to mix gourami species especially if there's more than one male, so keep an eye on them.
The fish sold as red honey gouramis are often mis-labelled thick lipped gouramis, which grow bigger than honeys.

It is not usually a good idea to mix gourami species especially if there's more than one male, so keep an eye on them.
How can I tell the difference between the Honey Red and a thick lipped?

They seem to get on fine at the moment but I'll definitely keep an eye on they as they mature.
There are some possible issues pending here, starting with the parameters. There are fish mentioned that need moderately hard (or harder) water (the platies, and guppies depeding) and the other s prefer softer water. There is some overlap depending upon the actual numbers, can you post the GH and pH of the source (tap presumably) water? You may get these from the website of your water authority if on municipal water. If testing pH yourself, you need to out-gas CO2 from tap water for an accurate reading (not applicable with tank water).

Second issue that stands out is the numbers of the species that are what we term shoaling/schooling. I'll wait until we have the parameters before suggesting what needs to be done. And related to parameters, the temperature may be a serious issue depending upon the species of ram, either the common or blue ram (in any of the varieties) or the Bolivian Ram (different species with different needs).
Little bit of progress


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It’s looking amazing! Your fish look healthy and I just love it! Do you still have the Cory’s because a big school of them would look really nice for some bottom activity.
Thanks they are doing well. Colours are starting to come out. I have Panda Cory's they look cool rummaging around they like hiding under the Wood. Also got a tiny baby Bristlenose.


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