New 190Ltr Corner Tank - Novice Needs Advice

I believe you can have more than one filter although juwel claim their internal is more than enough. Re the silver sharks I would say no to our tank as they grow really big and as you point out prefer to be in a shoal. Have you looked at sparkling gourami and splendid rainbow fish? I have both species in my tank and they are fascinating to watch! Also a group of corys are really entertaining, mine have just started to lay eggs. I do have pics of my tank but not sure how to upload them ☺

Thanks for that. Looks like the sharks will have to go back to the fish supplier :-( I have a couple of Western Rainbows which are great little fish and would love to get a pair of Banded Rainbows if I can find them to replace the sharks. There is justso much choice!

Fish kinda grow to the size of the tank in that they will die, ill and stunted, way before they reach their full size. The goldfish in my mum's pond are almost as old as me, for diplomacy let's say 20odd. Most goldfish in 60l tanks won't last even half of that, probably a few years tops.

It really would be kinder to rehome them i'm afraid :(

Thanks for the advice Sadguppy. I will contact the supplier tomorrow and return them. It is a shame as they are smashing fish to watch.
Hi All,

First post here so go easy!

I have recently bought a Juwel Trigon 190 too. It is perfect for the room i an setting it up in (Library) and I am hoping will be very relaxing.

I have had a few setups before but not for a few years.

I have always had an undergravel filter so the filter in the Trigon is new for me.

I am busy fishless cycling which is going okay (I think!) the ammonia levels are constantly stable at near 0 after being rasied for about 2-3 weeks or so. Now the nitrite levels are 5+ so I guess it is moving albeit slowly through the cycle. I am adding fish food every other day as a source of ammonia for the cycle. Just a few flakes ground up a bit.

My tank has Aquagravel in to about 1-2.5 inches depth then a fine gravel for about 1-2 inches on top. I have one largish item of bogwood too. Other then this nothing else at the moment.

I cannot wait to start populating this but know I must be patient. I did want to start planting as i would like a fairly heavily planted tank but was advised against planting until fish went in by the fish shop.

I have not firmed up what I would like to put in the tank but one of the lists is as follows

2 x Angel fish
5 x Corydoras
1 x Bristlenose Plec
5 x Platy's
6-8 x Tetra's of some sort (Cardinal) that wont get eaten by the Angels!

Not sure if this is too much but from the various 'stock level calculators' around it seems to weigh in at about 90% ish of the recommended level. Some do say I should add extra filtration but I have a phobia (probably unwarranted) of an external filter flooding my room by siphon effect!

Apologies if this has gone on the wrong area!
It's very, very rare to have a tank emptied with an external filter. As long as the pipes are secure in their fittings you're quite safe.

I'd be wary about having two angels. You'll be ok if you get a mated pair, but just two, random angels are unlikely to pair up and you will have serious aggression issues. Angels are best kept as groups of six+ (and even then, you may have problems if two pair up), mated pairs (and they have to choose their own mates, in most circumstances; they're very difficult to sex) or single specimens (not ideal, they are a 'sort of' social fish).

I've even had mated pairs that have suddenly decided they can't stand the sight of each other and have had to be separated :(
Hi fluttermouth,

I have had conflicting advice on the Angels as some say 6+ but I would surmise my setup is too small for this number where other articles indicate 2 are fine! I also like Gourami's so may look at them instead of Angels but I understand they also have some agression issues.

The articles that say two are fine are most likely talking about mated pairs. Of course, with the amount of angels and fishkeepers in the world, there are bound to be a few people that get a compatible pair straight way, but they're the lucky ones! Most of us aren't that lucky :(

Your tank would just about be big enough for six (it's a good height for angels, at least), but you wouldn't have any room for anything else!

Most gouramis aren't aggressive; just avoid the three spots and their various colour morphs (golden/moonlight), and giants and kissers, as they get very big.
Thanks for the advice.

I like the look of the Honey gourami but as I am still cycling I have a chance to weigh up the options yet.

That's one benefit to fishless cycling, it gives you time to plan the community!

It does indeed! Honey gouramis are lovely; not very big, but the males are stunning. Peaceful too!

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