Neons Randomly Dieing:s

Ive just got 10 neons for my tank today hope they'll be ok there looking good so far shoalling with the 5 glow light tetras in there.
What symptoms are the neons tetra showing before death?

I agree that neon tetra need mature tanks of six months.
I kept neon tetra's lovely little fish. Had them for a long time with no problems.. I decided to make the shoal bigger and bought some more a year later and lost nearly a whole tank of fish to NTD.

I love these fish in other people's tanks, but am scared to get them now because the same thing happened to me. I lost some beautiful, long-time tank residents to NTD when I got a small shoal of the tetras. A breeding pair of cichlids, breeding pair of pearl gourami, many orange finned danios, pentazona barbs... I lost so many fish I nearly gave up keeping any more for good.
I may just give up fish keeping they came sick with something I can't see woke up this morning and fighter is dead he was very happy til the tetra joined him in the tank and 2 more dead down to 3 that don't look good at mo water levels still perfect so I haven't got a clue now I give in
Thats a discouraging thread. :sad: I hope mine do well. Have had 8 of them for well over a month and added another 8 nearly 2 weeks ago. Did euthanize one for neon tetra disease the other day and REEEALLY hoping thats the last of it since my tetra have been otherwise doing great.

Just wanted to add something.... I am having a similar problem with guppy fry though.... but predates me getting neons. My guppy fry (98%) clamp and die but water stats are fine and all other fish are fine (minus that one tetra that got NTD).

Oh... and if you love fish... don't give up on them. A few months back I had a mystery disease wipe one entire tank... cleaned and restarted and things are fine now.... but I remain paranoid!
I'm completely gutted my fighter was amazing he was a only a vailtail but his fins where twice as long as any vailtail iv ever seen but I got to steam clean the tank now and do another cycle I'm not risking more fish in what has become a death trap of a tank due to them tetras I'm just angry and gutted
What bad luck! :sad: I had something similar happen when I used to keep fish in the past. This time around, when I bought new fish, I put them in a 10 gallon tank I'd picked up cheaply second hand. Good thing, too, because they (black neons) died, too. I don't think it was the newer tank, though, since they're actually not related to regular neon tetras. The only good thing was that they didn't infect the rest of my fish.

I hope you do try again with better luck! You might want to pick up a small quarantine/hospital tank, as well.
I know this doesn't help the original poster, but I bought my 6 neons first of all. They wern't put in a mature tank, just a well cycled one and I still have the same 6 fish. In fact since returning
to fish keeping, I've not had any losses , at all in any tank. The only thing I do is keep everything meticulously clean which I've carried across from my homebrewing hobby. So please don't give up on Neons.
Next is to get them breeding. P.S. my tank is 23 degrees C for Neons max.
I did have a hospital tank til I broke it doing some DIY in the house iv had some crappy luck lately been knocked off my bike ( didn't get hurt ) cat got ran over and killed I had to have a tooth out and now my best fish died sigh
And they say bad luck only comes in threes! Sounds like you've had more than your fair share. Hope things are looking up soon! I say go to your lfs to check out the fish and start planning your new stock. Always cheers me up! :)
Sorry to hear about your losses. :( I have also read many times that Neons are best for well-established tanks or at least 6 months.

The bottom of this Neon profile page has some interesting health info and talks about NTD.

I prefer Cardinals, myself.

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