Neon Tetras

A few things that may help: Neons are fairly fussy about water quality. A well established tank is recommended. They prefer a pH that is slightly acidic (6-7) and soft. They tend to be shy fish and like to have hiding places, preferably live plants. Blackwater is beneficial.

As far as tankmates, neons will get along with quite a wide variety of fish. Just about anything that doesn't see them as food. What sort of fish were you considering?
Paracheirodon innesi or Neon Tetra

Neons are absolutely intolorable to bad water conditions, they like heavily planted, safe havens.

They dont enjoy being chased around by larger fish

they get along well in large groups to feel secure, around 4-7 is fine, the more the marrier IMO

if a single one of them is diseased, its demise is imianent due to their social behaviors,
what I have noticed is when a single neon gets sick or diseased or even 'not normal' the rest of the group will single him/her out, cutting off ties to the rest of the group, this is even more stressfull for the fish in question and will most likely die in a shorter period of time.

they are also very intolorabe to medications, salt and most other additives

they enjoy smaller frozen or live foods on occasion and take to frozen brine shrimp and daphnia readily, they love daphia

when neons are first introduced into a tank they will huddle together, but as time passes and they feal more comfortable they will shoal loosly or not at all,

they will however always chase each other trying to figure out who the leader should be (the pecking order)

they are a good indicator of water conditions, as their brilliant red stripe will fade (other then when first turning the lights on), when water parameters start to deteriate

if you notice a neon that looks isolated and is avoided by the rest of the group, after close observation Quarentine of the fish should be taken, as there is probably something wrong with him.

having a test kit is a must have in the fish keeping hobby, its right up there with heaters and filters. I recommend the test tube variation becasue of its accuracy and cost.

good luck


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