pH= 7.9 or 8.0
GH= 7.6 according to the water company, but around 9 when I tested it myself
Alkalinity= 100 mgl
Ammonia zero, nitrite zero, nitrate below 40.
Newer tank, but cycled with TSS. 36 gallon bowfront.
7 harlequin rasboras thriving in the tank, 1 hillstream loach.
I added ten neon tetras a week and a half ago and now I'm down to like 4 that are alive.
What's going on? What other types of tetras would survive in my tank if not those ones, if any?
I also want to know if you have any suggestions for other suitable community tank mates. Thanks!
GH= 7.6 according to the water company, but around 9 when I tested it myself
Alkalinity= 100 mgl
Ammonia zero, nitrite zero, nitrate below 40.
Newer tank, but cycled with TSS. 36 gallon bowfront.
7 harlequin rasboras thriving in the tank, 1 hillstream loach.
I added ten neon tetras a week and a half ago and now I'm down to like 4 that are alive.
What's going on? What other types of tetras would survive in my tank if not those ones, if any?
I also want to know if you have any suggestions for other suitable community tank mates. Thanks!