Neon Tetra With White Patches

I really need to order that one, I keep getting told how good it is but its one I don't have.
Interpet Anti Bacterial meds, but I am dabbing it (sort of more like dropping it) using a cotton swab on the area rather than the tank. Hoping this is effective as I did the same on a tetra who had fin rot and it was more successful than when I previously treated fish by treating the water.
Ack! I've looked at my tank from every angle and I can't find him... and can't manage to count a definitive number to see if he is there and I didn't notice... fish moving too much! I hope that's not bad! I don't have a filter he could get sucked into if he did die but could get sucked onto the side... but he's not there.
darn that suck but, i guess its time for you to get some maracyn plus
I've had one a couple months back with definite NTD, this one seemed different though as his behavior was normal. The previous one was completely as NTD described and he swam in place like a zombie.
Of my school of neons one 3 showed behaviour problems, all though had the white patches. All were destroyed

Upto you :)
What sort of time period is there usually between one getting it to the next? If that is it... seems a really long time between one to the other.
I bought them and within a week 3 of them had it, these guys swam around happily for nearly 6 months before a realised what it was, by then others had started showing sign and the original 3 went downhill big time

Havent bought neons since and refuse to have them as i have angels, and angels are one of the fish that can catch it, not worth it for me
My other fish won't catch it (livebearers) but its a bit discouraging that I might keep losing neons. Will keep a close eye on them but I don't want to cull the whole lot.

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