Neon Tetra Almost Dead?

What are the new spots like? Are they fuzzy or like grains of salt?

I agree, you will need very big changes of water for some time to keep the ammonia in check while your filter matures.
Okay, thanks all for the responses! :D - Unfortunately that little fish passed away just after the water change :( Ill make sure to do big water changes often. Any ideas on how long this could take? Hopefully only a week or two :p

As for the little white spot, im abit worried as it seems to have moved down the fin of the live fish and seems to have eaten away at part of it. Like a sort of fungus or something? And i'm not sure what they are called, but the part of a fish fin equivalent to the vein on a leaf is left, if you get what I mean. Its like its eating away the fin and just leaving the fin's skeleton. Sorry if im not being clear, but basically it looks like its fin is sort of rotting away.

Which would explain the other fish which died as it seemed fine apart from the fact it simply couldn't swim. When I took it out, it did have white on its side. But I didn't notice anything on its fins, although I didn't look specifically for anything at the time... :S

Im so confused. Thanks for all the help you're all providing! :)
Sounds like fin-rot which is a fungal infection, and again is very often a symptom of poor water quality. Without test results to confirm it, I think it's reasonable to assume that the Cycle didn't work, and that you are in a fish-in cycle situation, in other words you are using fish to provide the ammonia to grow the bacterial colonies in your filter.

Reading the green link in my signature area will help you greatly, but you need your own test kits to know exactly how well the ammonia and nitrite is being processed. Most people on here will recommend the API kits, although I am going off them, because it's often difficult to tell the low readings on the ammonia kit. I use the Salifert kits myself, but also found the Nutrafin ones easy to read.
Sounds like fin-rot which is a fungal infection, and again is very often a symptom of poor water quality. Without test results to confirm it, I think it's reasonable to assume that the Cycle didn't work, and that you are in a fish-in cycle situation, in other words you are using fish to provide the ammonia to grow the bacterial colonies in your filter.

Reading the green link in my signature area will help you greatly, but you need your own test kits to know exactly how well the ammonia and nitrite is being processed. Most people on here will recommend the API kits, although I am going off them, because it's often difficult to tell the low readings on the ammonia kit. I use the Salifert kits myself, but also found the Nutrafin ones easy to read.

Yeah, Im gonna order some soon. As for the fin rot, is there anything I can do? And how long do I have until it becomes fatal? :/

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