Neon Or Cardinal Tetras?


Fish Crazy
Dec 25, 2005
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Hi every1,

I am planning to bring color to my tank and obviously i love the way neon and cardinals shoal. I was wondering which would suit my tank more? I would prefer the more hardier one. They both look very similar. I have a 30 US gallon tank, with 2 black skirt tetras, 4 lemon tetras, 1 guppy, and i will be getting 4 cory catfish. Most likely C. Aenus Cory's. Therefore i was wondering which would be more suited in my tank. It is pretty well planted, and i am going to buy a couple rocks, maybe some bogwood to give hiding spots. I am planning to get 7-10 cardinal // neon tetras. Any advise would be helpful

both fish would be ok but htey are both quite sensative and require a matured tank.
cardinals look better IMHO but don't travel well, expect to loose one or two after purchasing them.

I'd go for cardinals, neons tend to be inbred (well my experience with them they have been) . They never lasted longer than a year but my cardinals are well over 3 years old and still going strong. Cardinals tend to be more expensive than neons and like a mature tank, they also grow bigger than neons.

I've never owned cardinal tetras but i do have neon tetras, personally i wold go for neons as i've had alot of success with them. If you are going to buy more fish in general, i would also get another 4 black skirt tetras and 2 more lemon tetras as tetras in general prefer to be in groups of at least 5-6 :) .
The guppy would also appreiciate some of its own kind as they are sociable fish, but if you are going for a mixed gender make sure you have at least 2-3females per male, and if you are having an all-male group, that you have at least 5males to spread out the agression- in general though, make sure you don't add too many fish too quickly, just like a couple of tetras a week :thumbs: .
How long has your tank been set up?
Keep in mind that cardinals get larger than neons. Neons tend to be easier to keep, but is usually said not to look as nice as the cardinals. IMO I would go for cardinals though, because they are not too hard to keep and when they get large, the color stripes look much better than neons.
I have them mixed together in my 29 gallon tank. I really can't decide which I like better though. So whichever you like better, you should get.
I've never owned cardinal tetras but i do have neon tetras, personally i wold go for neons as i've had alot of success with them. If you are going to buy more fish in general, i would also get another 4 black skirt tetras and 2 more lemon tetras as tetras in general prefer to be in groups of at least 5-6 :) .
The guppy would also appreiciate some of its own kind as they are sociable fish, but if you are going for a mixed gender make sure you have at least 2-3females per male, and if you are having an all-male group, that you have at least 5males to spread out the agression- in general though, make sure you don't add too many fish too quickly, just like a couple of tetras a week :thumbs: .
How long has your tank been set up?

My tank has been set up for 6 years now :D
If i take ur advise to get 4 more black skirt and 2 more lemon's and i will be getting 4 cory catfish and then like 8-10 neon's would that be overstocking my tank, since i already have 2 black skirt's and 4 lemon tetras?
This is real confusing to decide. Some1 said cardinals grow larger than neon's, so can i still get 7-8 cardinals? And some1 said cardinal's are more colorful so might as well go for them.
Can some1 give me the pros and cons of cardinals and neons if it isnt to much trouble. Any help would be aprreciated :nod:
I've never owned cardinal tetras but i do have neon tetras, personally i wold go for neons as i've had alot of success with them. If you are going to buy more fish in general, i would also get another 4 black skirt tetras and 2 more lemon tetras as tetras in general prefer to be in groups of at least 5-6 :) .
The guppy would also appreiciate some of its own kind as they are sociable fish, but if you are going for a mixed gender make sure you have at least 2-3females per male, and if you are having an all-male group, that you have at least 5males to spread out the agression- in general though, make sure you don't add too many fish too quickly, just like a couple of tetras a week :thumbs: .
How long has your tank been set up?

My tank has been set up for 6 years now :D
If i take ur advise to get 4 more black skirt and 2 more lemon's and i will be getting 4 cory catfish and then like 8-10 neon's would that be overstocking my tank, since i already have 2 black skirt's and 4 lemon tetras?
This is real confusing to decide. Some1 said cardinals grow larger than neon's, so can i still get 7-8 cardinals? And some1 said cardinal's are more colorful so might as well go for them.
Can some1 give me the pros and cons of cardinals and neons if it isnt to much trouble. Any help would be aprreciated :nod:

That stocking sounds great, tetras are low waste producing fish so your tank will be fine :) .
I think cardinals do grow larger than neons, but the tank will still be ok if you went for a group of 7-8 cardinals instead. When its comes down to it though, i don't think there are any real differences between the species apart from heir hardyness and looks, so its up to you really as to what you prefer :thumbs: .
K thx .. guess ill go for the hardier species, which is cardinal tetras. And they are also more colorful like almost every1 said. Since almost every1 prefers cardinals over neons i might as well go for a cardinal. Thx for the help :D
Hi Fish Dude,

Cardinal Tetra are great fish and look amazing with good lighting and a well planted aquarium. Keeping cardinals is easy as long as two conditions are met, Firstly they shouldn't be kept with larger fish such as angelfish or other large cichlids and second, they really do need soft, acid water. When given the correct conditions they do really well.

Like all schooling fish, cardinals are best kept in groups of at least 6-8, or more if possible.

I currently have around 30+ and they are amazing when they swim in a large school.

Best Regards

Lawrence (BettaUK)

Neon Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Cardinal tetra get my vote over neons simply because they are more colourful and thats what your after ...right.
if you compare bigger neons and cardinals, cardinals are definitely more colourful. However, I'd say neons are pretty hardy, (have had mine for about 18 months now) and cardinals have a reputation for being less hardy. I think if you're tank is mature and well-maintained you shouldn'#t really have a problem with either.
Cardinals grow slightly bigger. They also like higher temps than neon's do, though if you keep your tank at around 24C that would suit both. Both prefer soft, acidic water.
Personally, I'd go for cardinals - when small they look incredibly similar, but when older the cards are definitely prettier.
jus look at pics and it should make ur mind up, id def go for the cardinal tetra, they look alot better as well as get a bit bigger!!!! ive kept some before and they r beautiful fish to keep especially if u have a few of em!!!

Well as i was at the lfs yesterday and was planning to pick up 8 cardinal tetras, but then I realized that i didint know the ph that they are compatible to, and the temperature in Farheinheit. I knew everything for the neon but surpisingly i didint reaserch the cardinal. So i went home and quickly tested my water and these were my results:
PH - 7.2
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0 pmm
Nitrate - 10 pmm
Temp: Keep it between 78-81
Filter Type: External Filter
Brand of Filter: Whisper 30
Amount of plants in Aquarium: 6, well-planted and 1 peice of bogwood

I will post a pic soon, but from the information i posted will the cardinal be able to live in these conditions?
Any suggestions would be helpful

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