Neolamprologus Multifasciatus Tank

...not so bad you have somewhere to house them, are you going to rehome them eventually?

Dont know, i'll just see how things go, the trouble is, if i decide to rehome then to who, there are very few people in my local area keeping fish on here, and shops wont give me anything for them :crazy:
Yeah I can sympathise with your frustration, I have managed to accumulate some funds but a smaller "shellie" tank is out of the question now and plans for a bigger tank have been "scuppered", my LFS does not stock any Tanganyikan Cichlids, in fact the only ones I seen in my area were a single Lelupi and a single Brichardi that were in a Malawi tank at a garden centre. Hope it works out for you...... :good:
Hope the little fella is ok, maybe he just wandered to far, he might stick with mom for a while now, funny you saying about the Juli, I was concerned about aggression but it turns out its the Multis that dish out the punishment, especially if the Juli strays over to the shell bed area, they really are tough little guys, any more pics yet?

Well, that definitely gives me something to think about. I've got a few different plans for tank setups whenever I move back to the states. Now I might just have to make a plan that includes julies.
I'll try and get some more pics up for you tomorrow.
...not so bad you have somewhere to house them, are you going to rehome them eventually?

Dont know, i'll just see how things go, the trouble is, if i decide to rehome then to who, there are very few people in my local area keeping fish on here, and shops wont give me anything for them :crazy:

If you do decide to rehome the similis you may want to try posting something up on aquarist classifieds website. Can't say I've ever bought anything from that site, but it seems to get a lot of traffic.

I'm dreading having to find a new home for my group. I was going to give them to a friend of mine, cuz she has two 55 gallon tanks, one of them is a goldfish tank and the other one she's had a hard time keeping stock as she tends to let her fish die, I guess. I don't know if it's from lack of experience (even though she's been keeping fish for years) or if she's just lazy and doesn't pay attention to the fish and their needs. All I know is, I don't want my babies going to her. I could be sending them to the great big blue! :(
I'd take some multies off you if you are stuck, and dont mind posting. Obviously i'd pay

Hehe, I'll keep that in mind. We still don't know what's going on with the moving situation, so I don't want to get rid of them quite yet, but as soon as I have word of when we will be moving, I'll be posting on here to let everyone know, and try and find some new homes. I don't know think I'll be posting any of them out, though, but we'll see.

Also, if you're reading this Kiriyama, I'm sorry I couldn't take some pics of the little ones for you today :)
Really missing "punk" :sad: even though it's for the best, the difference in the general mood of the tank is like night and day. Multis are 2 on the left, 2 in the middle, 2 on the right but still group up regular and explore all areas of the tank, must be weird for them doing this and not being lunged at by a psycho torpedo. Even the Juli is out displaying, will need to get some pics up for you folks,, will need to give the glass a good clean first :lol: :good:
Finally, I have some time to post an update. The last couple of weeks have been pretty hectic for me. My husband and I went down to London for the day early last week, and while we were gone our dog (that cute little pic of the white puppy under my name, except he's full grown now) decided he didn't like the look of the sofas anymore and felt the need to take some nice big chunks out of them! Honestly, I didn't like the sofas anyway, so this was the perfect excuse to buy new ones! So for the rest of last week that's what my husband and I did, go couch shopping. We only bought two new chairs, for right now, but this week we ended up rearranging our living room area, and that meant having to move the multi tank. I didn't want to take the fish out of the tank, because I knew there was no way I was going to get all the little ones, but in order to keep enough water in the tank and still have me lift up and move the tank, I had to take out all the rocks. And once they were out, I liked how much more space there was, so I only put one slate slab back in the tank, and it's not a purple one. Yes, the purple was getting on my nerves, too. I also took the vallis out of the shells and planted them in the sand.

When I did move the tank, though, all of the shells ended up congregating into the middle of the tank, but they were still pretty much in the same order. So, once the tank was all put back together and all of the fish started to come out, the war was on for which shell belonged to who between the females. I think it's all sorted now, except for a couple of shells that two of the ladies are constantly fighting over, nothing serious, though. All of the fry seemed to have survived the move. And they are growing nicely. The original first batch is around 1.5 centimeters long now. They seem to have the same shape, but just getting longer. In the photos of the fry, I tried to get the Mom and fry to get a better sense of the size comparison.

New Setup without all the purple.



Cool, sorry to hear about your sofa, LOL,, like the way the shells go dark with algae(?) (sorry really tired),, happening in my tank too, do your Multis go darker when thay get noised up as well? The fry look really cute, maybe one day, I think I have all girls, lol, have a look at earlier post, tons of new shells :good:
No worries about the sofa. I was happy to see it go. It was just really random that the dog started to chew on it, never did anything like that before. But on to the fish. Yah, it's brown algae on the shells. Usually the little pond snails do a good job of cleaning the shells, but some shells the fish don't let the snails get near. And normally my fish only get dark when they're trying to get the males attention. He seems like he gets dark when he's protecting them from that other male fish that lives in the glass and copies all of his moves :p But I'm sure he also gets darker when he's mating, but never seen that happen. I thought I caught them one time, but I think it was a mistake, lol, like a female was in the shell, and then the male went in a few seconds after her, but once he realized she was in there he backed out and went into a different shell.

If you do have all girls you gonna keep just them, or try and hunt for a male?
Hi, probably just keep them for the time being, found a new LFS which really basic but had some slate so guess what I'm doing next LOL, funny you saying about the shells, have seen mines doind it with MTS, also the sulawesi snails kept climbing in to the shells and the Multis were not to happy , also I was worried the snails would get stuck so sold them( :sad: )..... keep the pics coming, always good to see other folks stuff :good:
I do like the slate bottom, but I just didn't want to go out and buy new slate slabs and have to try and move all the sand around and pull all the shells out and everything. Too much work for me at the time. I also moved my sulawesi snails to my other tank. They sort of don't fit in with the neons and all the bogwood, but, like you said, it was better than them possibly getting stuck in a shell!
Im moving my multies out of the 60cm :rolleyes:

im trying to find a new home for the similis' and then move the 4 multies into the 18" tank, so that i can plant out my 60cm, which, i cant get away from, once you have the planting bug you cant stop!
Hi Adam, know what you mean with the planting bug, have seen your thread for your Arc tank makeover, NICE :drool:
...once you have the planting bug you cant stop!

Yah, I haven't caught that bug, yet. But that shouldn't be hard to believe as I haven't really put a whole-heart effort into the vallis I have. Which means it isn't thriving like it could, but like I've said before, I don't have a green thumb outside of the tank walls, so I'm not surprised!

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