Neolamprologus Multifasciatus Tank

heres a few:




the black film background is messed right up, massive bubbles which as of yet i havnt decided if im going to do anything about it..
Looks very nice, think they should be very happy in there , going to take some inspiration from the pictures, like the jagged shapes, is that all Escargot shells in there, what's the small plant? :unsure:
Looks good , another job well done, hoping to strip and redo my own tank over the weekend, tons of slate , new sand , oh and got some aragonite coral gravel to put in the filter with the smashed ocean rock...
Again though your scapes are very pleasing on the eye, well done :good:
thanks, the "small plant" is vallis torta plantlets, i had to get rid of loads of it, everything went wrong with it in the other tank, algae everywhere.

I have now also added Salvinia Natans, which, when it gets growing, will hopefully use up some of the nitrates...
had you 'excess nitrates'? how if you have such a low stocking density? surely nitrates couldnt be that much of a problem :p whats you water change routine?
had you 'excess nitrates'? how if you have such a low stocking density? surely nitrates couldnt be that much of a problem :p whats you water change routine?
no, but, if the plant gets going then using up some of the nitrates will mean that my water changes dont have to be so "in routine", i can just do them when i feel. I was planning to do a water change every 2 weeks..
im not sure if it would work but how about trying to make a 'freshwater refugium' in the filter compartment, add a couple of moss balls and a submersible light. food for thought thats all :lol:
im not sure if it would work but how about trying to make a 'freshwater refugium' in the filter compartment, add a couple of moss balls and a submersible light. food for thought thats all :lol:
well, there would be little point, when i can put the plants in the tank :rolleyes:
but do the multi's not dig them up? and moss balls are serious nitrate eaters from what ive heard.. and they are easy to grow :unsure:
Moss balls do nothing for nitrate, they're not even plants, they're algae and they grow amazingly slowly.

The tank is looking great mate, Loving the rock placement and graded gravels.
it was my understanding they did after reading an ebay ad and several forums saying they do...
Moss Balls are commonly known as great Nitrate and Phosphate eaters. They help reduce these levels by utilising them to grow."
it was my understanding they did after reading an ebay ad and several forums saying they do...
Moss Balls are commonly known as great Nitrate and Phosphate eaters. They help reduce these levels by utilising them to grow."
no, i do agree with truck, they are algae.. also, if you have pulled that off some ebay add, then its not likely to be true, they will tell you anything to sell you something..
ill have to agree then :lol: ive no experience atall with live plants, hoping to go down that route soon though...

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