Neolamprologus Multifasciatus Tank

I have took the bn plec out as he was too stupid, he kept on going in territories and not moving, and consequently getting picked on.. also i needed some ammonia source for my nano tank, so i thought he would do nicely. I may try a couple of sulawesi snails, or give the plec a second chance, i have noticed an increace in the algae in the tank though, just shows how much plec's do their job!
1 Multie has been presumed dead as i have not seen him/her for about 3 days now :(
water quality was fine according to my API test kit, but the reason i waited is becuase i thought she might be inside one of the shells breeding, but surely not for this long if i havnt seen her at all.

When they have eggs females rarely venture out of their shells, I wouldn't be surprised if you see her pop back out with fry in tow. :good:
When they have eggs females rarely venture out of their shells, I wouldn't be surprised if you see her pop back out with fry in tow. :good:

but surely a week i would have seen something, it made me curious because another multie from other shells kept on venturing over, he has fully moved in how and living in the old ones shells, i presumed he must have been guarding them, but maybe he just wanted to swap homes.
Added some Frogbit, and took a couple of pics, they are busy scapin' now, dont want to disturb them :lol:


When they have eggs females rarely venture out of their shells, I wouldn't be surprised if you see her pop back out with fry in tow. :good:

but surely a week i would have seen something, it made me curious because another multie from other shells kept on venturing over, he has fully moved in how and living in the old ones shells, i presumed he must have been guarding them, but maybe he just wanted to swap homes.

Hmmm, maybe she switched shells, guess you'll have to wait and see.

Love the new pics. :drool:
After many weeks the 4th multie appeared again in the tank last thursday, i honestly couldnt believe my eyes, she/he was a little ragged but seems fine now and is eating well, im going to try and find some nice new rocks tommorrow and re-scape the tank, so may have a few new pics for ya.

ooo a rescape sounds good!
I'm getting a 60l tank for christmas and I'm going to have 4 of these, going to copy you :rolleyes:

Glad you found the missing one, hopefully they'll spawn soon.
Nice tank, and beautiful fish. I have an empty tank waiting to become a multi tank, but shellies seem to never be available here. After seeing this I might just set the tank up though, start cycling and worry about finding the actual fish later.

Apparently I need to take some precautions against digging if I want to grow some Vallis in there. :)
Don't want to sound to cheeky hear , any shels leftover ? would happily buy them from you , don't like using ebay...
Have checked this thread over so many time and am now going to change tank to a multi tank, can pick them up for £6.00 each.... If not to cheeky were the rocks expensive ? , also any new pics ?
Don't want to sound to cheeky hear , any shels leftover ? would happily buy them from you , don't like using ebay...
Have checked this thread over so many time and am now going to change tank to a multi tank, can pick them up for £6.00 each.... If not to cheeky were the rocks expensive ? , also any new pics ?

Hi, if i had any left over i would happily sell them but as it is i am currently wanting to get some more, would you be intrested going halfs with me with a pot from ebay, i could order them, and then split the tub and send you the other half

the rocks were fairly cheap as rocks go, they are "TGM blue stone" from the green machine.

i have just re-scaped the tank today, so i will try and stick a few new pics up tommorrow.

First off, I have to say that your Multi tank, totally inspired me to set up my own. Mine looks nowheres as nice as yours, but I do what I can. And the photos you took of your Multis are excellent! You should try getting those attached to the species profile, as I've noticed there are no pics of Multi's in that topic.

I was also going to order some more shells for my fish. I didn't know that the fish would move the shells practically on top of the other shells, and now the tank looks too sandy and empty.

If Kiriyama doesn't want the shells, I would go halfsies with you on your ebay purchase. Just out of curiosity, though, how many shells will you be getting and which seller are you buying them from?
I had a quick look on ebay yesterday and it seems the usual seller of empty escargot snail shells seems not to be listing them anymore, i will keep on searching though and let you know via this thread.
I have got some new pics :)They are not the best quality so you will have to forgive me,
I re-scaped the tank yesterday, and just used more of the blue stone i already had with the first scape.








I give it a week and there will be trenches and crators everywhere :hyper:

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