Needlenose fish


Fish Crazy
Aug 11, 2003
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i just got a needlenose gar!! what does it eat? does it swim with live plants r does it like to hide? if u know something about this fish plzs tell me?
Needlenose gars can grow really big in the wild. The one we had in the 1980's liked eating guppies whole. They mainly are top swimmers but will swim anywhere to catch a fish, if hungry enough. Try some plants that it can use for cover, and I hope you have a big tank.
We resorted to feeding it guppies as it was so picky. I do remember the mouth of the fish being full of serrated teeth! Good luck!
Needlenose gars are sweet. I had one that would eat pellets. Took awhile to get him to do that though, they mostly like live food. I have read varying info on these guys. Most articles say they do fine alone, but from reading peoples accounts on other boards that keep them, they do best in pairs or groups. At any rate, these guys grow about 13".
do you plan on putting any other tank mates with it? I've seen footlong gars at some LFS's and I hear from there owners they will kill other fish pretty violently. good luck they are a cool fish!
yea mine is about 3'' and he eats live foosd nothing esle!!!! i have convicts in the tank and he has not messed with them yet and i also have some kind of catfish don't know what kind. i am tyring to find a tank that i can breed guppies in(he eats guppies) anyone have one thanks
jerenycool said:
i just got a needlenose gar!! what does it eat? does it swim with live plants r does it like to hide? if u know something about this fish plzs tell me?
Needlenose gar are pretty timid fish. They eat very small fish (guppies white clouds etc.) and all other fish in the aquarium are ok with it unless you get some that are aggro and they will pick on the gar.

They need a pretty big tank, especially where width is concerned, because of their long jaws and they can actually break them on the glass in a small tank.

They like the upper levels of the tank and current.
what u n mean when u unless you get some that are aggro? and what is aggro?
and i got it cause it ate the live fish
jerenycool said:
what u n mean when u unless you get some that are aggro? and what is aggro?
and i got it cause it ate the live fish
sorry, aggro= aggressive.

and i got it cause it ate the live fish

That's ok. I was only trying to give you some info on it to help you out.
i just put some fish in there about thirty mints ago and he is not eating? them do u know y
How big is he and what kind of fish did you get?

Did you also just get him yesterday when you started this post? If so, it might take a few days to get acclimated.

What else do you have in there and what size tank?
yes i got him yestrday and he ate 6 fish yesterday and last night i went to the stor this mornig and bought some and gave them to him early today
If he's already eaten I wouldn't worry about it. He might be tired or just not that hungry.

What kind of fish are you feeding him?
I don't think gars are like a lot of other fish in their eating habits. They will eat till full then not eat even when food is around. Just leave the swordtails in there, he'll get em when he wants.

How big is your tank?

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