Need Stockin Advice Plzz

Sharz, you have a rather common misconception that by overfiltering a tank it is OK to overstock it. That is simply not true. By overfiltering a tank you can promote lots of water circulation and will pick up more of the fish solid wastes in the filter but it does nothing for water quality. Water quality is really achieved by doing enough water changes often enough to take care of the waste that builds up in the tank in the form of nitrates. If you overstock a tank, you can get away with it if you are willing to do frequent huge water changes. We are not talking about 30% weekly changes here but truly large water changes many times each week for extreme overstocking. Filters do nothing to remove the chemicals that come from fish being present in a tank, only water changes can do that.
nah im fully aware that filtration doesnt help with the actual quality of the water, i just said wat filters i have because the person before you asked me. Thats why i said if my waters bad il get rid of some more fish, i wouldnt add another filter lol im not that silly.. thank you though for the info
You are "tooooooo overstocked" (since there is an okay overstocked :rolleyes:). Your bb gobies don't even belong with the other fish since they are most likely brackish. What filtraton do you have? This is will limit your amount of fish you can have. What is your nitrates right before a water change?

Please use the skills you learned in 4th grade grammar. They are useful. Really.

my gobys are actualy freeshwater, and to be honest i really dont apreciate the hostility you #16##### face. i thought this site was full of people willing to help but its obv not

there are some helpful people on this site... but time and time again im surprised at how condescending some are.

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