Need help with ID of clowns


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Apr 23, 2005
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At the LFS they were being sold as Ocellaris clowns.
Well all the ocellaris clowns i have seen have been orange with white stripes and some black out lines.
Well mine are black-brown with 3 white stripes (one near the face, in the middle of the body and before the tail.
They also have little orange faces.

I am really confused? is there a black ocellaris clown? and can i keep normal ocellaris with them?
well, if it looks like that then it certainly is a percula.
if you can post a photo they can be checked.

it is no surprise to me that these fish are mis-labelled. although if they are labelled the same at 2 places, perhaps the wholesaler is mis-selling rather than the lfs.
Whilst its usually agreed that Percula clowns have more black in their boreders than the Ocerlaris clowns this really has no reflection on the species at all.

I beleive that the Percula has more spines on the dorsal fin than its close cousin ( 9 i think).
This is the only true way ti be sure you have a percual etc. Of course, trying to make the clown to remain still for long enough for you to count the spines is next to impossible!

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