Need Help With Ich On Flowerhorn


New Member
Oct 16, 2010
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right now my flowerhorn has ick and im treating it right now in a tank with aquarium salt and is warm with a 88-90 degree temperature..heres my question what temperature is too hot for fishes?and how do you know if your overdosing on the aquarium salt or what are the effects of overdose? since i red somewhere that you could double the ammount recommended,,i just wanna be safe and making sure im not overdosing on the aquarium salt and the heat isnt too hot for the tank i have 2 flowerhorns right now and they appear to be mating since they arent fighting male and female i removed the divider and the female is getting some of the ick on her...
Ia unsure about salts, but you can by white spot medication from fish shops, there will be someone replying, just wait :good:
have a look at this link
Try Jungle's Ich Guard (the granules).

Treatment: remove carbon, do not change the tank temperature, no salt. Dose with the Ich Guard at half strength.

Wait 24 hours. If ...

... you still see ich on the fish, do a water change and dose again, at half strength. Do nothing for four or five days. Ich will be gone.

... you don't see ich on the fish, leave everything alone for four or five days. Ich gone.

Got this from another forum...hopefully it works for you!
Make sure you treat for the entire duration of the recommended treatment. Ich has a life cycle and even though the cysts (white spots) are gone, the parasite may still be lurking in your tank.

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