Need Help With 305

It really depends how on how clean the filter was. It it was near spotless, it may be ok, but 24 hours without flow is not going to be good if there is a lot of debris in the filter...

Either way, when the filter is up and going, I'd do a weeks "proving" with ammonia to show that it is still cycled :nod: This is where you charge the tank up with Ammonia to 4ppm and check it will drop to zero Ammonia and Nitrite in 12 hours or less :good:

IMO, the best way to fish-less cycle is with Ammonia, purely as you have more control over the process. Either Ammonia or food will work though :good:

OK, now this is getting on my last nerve. The filter is stilll not pumping water, but the motor is running silently as if it was pumping water so is there still air in it, becuase it is running smoothly but no water coming out of the outlet. I have done the above mentioned method at least 5 times all yesterday. When the impellor unjams after me giving it a good wack on the MFS badge, it is folowed by an airlock as i stated. I tried shaking it like crazy, and tipping it etc.. and it never even made a different noise, and i also left it running over night to see if it would clear by itself, but unfortunately it never. I am completely stumped as to why this isnt working :S

The filter is still less than a year old too and under guarantee still with receipt, and i know the guy who i got it off wouldn't have sold me a broken one. Should i take it back to the shop? If so, is it likely they would just replace it or would i get a refund do you think? I just really dont watn another fluval. Everytime i have done maintainence on the fluvals i have had in my time of fish keeping, when fisnished doinf maintainence i re attatch everything, and plug it in, but it makes all those sounds, so i lift one of the two clamps up on the cannister itself, and wait to the water pressure to build up then i clamp it back into place, and lots of air bbbles com come out of the outlet, then hey presto, it works. But i am really frustrated about this situation i am in here with this piece of crap filter.

Sorry for the long post. But if anyone has any alternate advice or any info etc.. then it is very much appreciated. And thanks once again for you're help Rabbut :good:

I'm going to chip in here as I don't like to see Fluvals getting a bad write up, because I actually think they are quite good.

I've had my 404 canister for about 8 years now and its still running without any problems. I've never replaced any parts and it only gets cleaned maybe once per year.

Just to put another perspective in here......

Also, I'm moving this thread to the 'Hardware' section.

Cheers :good:

Well i am extremely pleased. Today i was about to take the filter back to the shop, but decided to try it once more, and what do you know, it worked :blink: Hmmm....

Thanks again for all the help folks :)
I was about to say check all the connections, make sure the inlet pipe is on the inlet port (you'd think someone who plays with a lot of externals, like me, would be out of the habit, but that's still one of my more common mistakes :blush: ) and check the impeller to check it hasn't failed, but hay it works now :hyper: Just wait till next week when it clogs with debris if you are running Floss and you'll have all that fun again :rolleyes:

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