Need help identifying this parasite

If you're just going to keep the fish as is- then you dont need to nuke the tank. You cannot nuke a tank with fish in it. Bleach will kill the fish, that option was ONLY if you were going to get rid of the fish. You can try treating them with Dimilin.
Never heard of Dimilin, but that sounds like the answer. I googled it.
Never heard of Dimilin, but that sounds like the answer. I googled it.
The salt isn't helping so I figured it was worth a try. It is used more in Coldwater fish which I know more about, not so much in tropicals.
So I ended up euthanizing the two sunfish with clove oil and will sanitize the aquarium, heater, and canister filter with bleach. I've already thrown out the driftwood and live plants. I plan to do the same with the gravel. This weekend I'll take the tank out in the garage and use a bleach/water solution and let it run for 15 minutes with the canister filter (with all filter media thrown away). I've read to use 8 or 9 parts water to 1 part bleach, but have also seen some videos where they've used like 1 cup of bleach in a 100+ gallon tank.

CDC's guidelines is 1/3 cup of bleach per 1 gallon, which comes out to 1 part bleach 48 parts water. Based on CDC guidelines, I should use about 17.5 cups of bleach. According to some fish web sites, I should be using about 5 to 6.5 gallons of bleach. Can anyone chime in?

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