These types of external parasites often need to be manually removed from the fish. I could hold my Blood Parrot in the tank and pluck them off with tweezers easily... but these are wild caught fish and will object violently to being handled or anything.
It is likely you will need to sedate the fish a bit to attempt it. This is done with clove oil but if you haven't done it before - do not attempt without research as clove oil can kill a fish if given in too high of doses.
You can try the Dimilin I recommended, but again best results are achieved if visible parasites are removed manually first. Also, there's no guarantee it'll help as we really aren't sure what the parasites are. They don't seem like something found in normal aquaria.
And then there's always the last option, put these yucky parasite infested fish back where you found them, nuke the tank, and get fish from a healthy source for the kids. Honestly I don't think these fish are going to thrive long term in this environment even IF you are able to eradicate the parasites.