Need Help Breeding My Bettas

every pet shop in my area .. around 7 of them dont have the bettas in a heated tank.. all coldwater and they save its fine.. so if i cant put female with males together... can i have more than one female together in the same tank? and will the tank need to be cycled ?
well those pet shops are bad!

as for the betta question, from what i have read; you can, but you need 3 or more, you cant have a pair.
i have a fair idea of cycling the tank.. but can u please give me a brief desciption?
get a master test kit and some pure household ammonia:

put the ammonia in (someone please help me out here because i dont know how much ammonia to put in, and i am wondering myself)

the ammonia will rise to dangerous levels, keep adding ammonia constantly at this time and throughout the whole process.

when the ammonia level drops, you are done with the first level.

then the NitrIte will rise to dangerous levels.

when the NitrIte drops you are almost there.

then the NitrAte will rise. Do a big water change then, and you are ready to put fish in.

I am not really good with the detail about fishless cycling, but this is the bare bones of it
i have a fair idea of cycling the tank.. but can u please give me a brief desciption?

The Beginner's section of this forum has some very good, very clearly written articles that you can read. I would recommend reading all the articles in the Beginner's section and all the articles of the Betta section, before you attempt to breed bettas. At this point in time, it sounds as if you ought to be focusing more on giving your current fish a good life, instead of making potentially hundreds of new fish for the novelty of it.

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