Need advice TONIGHT.

Dart said:
I've never had problems with cycling tanks for bettas, they be tough fish. I'd rinse the gravel in hot water to kill anything on it and put it into the tank with water. Add some dechlorinator to the water and if you have it cycle, it speeds up the cycling process, it's wonderful stuff because you can't over dose it. :)

it makes the water safe fast
Um, yes you can overdose on it and its not just for cycling- you need it for all the water in the tank all the time even when its cycled, even for water changes.
I would run the tank as you normally would, but would not keep any of the fish in there until they are all healed up...cause it could spread to another fish for quite a while even after the infections are seemingly gone. However, if you do wish to use the ten as a sick bay tank for one of them, after that I would do a full tank change before you add another fish to the mix.

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