Need advice quick..What to do?


New Member
Apr 27, 2003
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I totally forgot I ran out of salt mixture for my tank and made a 30% water change. All my levels were great now I have hardly any salt readings...and have a high Nitrate level. My one Regal Tang doesn't look like he's going to make it through the night. I changed the water after 9pm all the stores were closed...Is there anything I can do immediately to make it better and anything I can do to lower the Nitrate levels...

Please help.....

We need to know what your readings are first so that we can make suggestions. What is your salt level at and also your nitrAte, nitrIte and ammonia

You are going to need to add salt at the correct dosage, and if you can't work it out, it may be a case of trial and error and add a small amount at a time until your readings are back to normal

How heavily stocked is your tank and how long has it been running for?

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