Near-fatal water change....

Sondan said:
Well I don't believe that but the real damage of the "human hand" is that it removes the slime layer from their bodies. And without that "slime armor" you are just asking for trouble.
I wanted to get StressCoat, but I missed the petshop closing time by 15 minutes. :grr: All I have is Betta Water Conditioner, Accu-Clear, and BettaFix. I hope he's not in any pain. Right now he's sleeping.
Don't worry too much,he should be fine. I had one pop down the garbage disposal a few months ago while I was acclimating him and pouring water out of his speciman cup (he was a newbie), my heart stopped and a 1000 thoughts ran through my head in a second, such as...if he flops and gets TOO injured I can just turn the garbage disposal on :crazy: :-( :-( :-( I begged the heaven's for assistance,grabbed him with my hand and he was and still is just fine :) :D :p
Hi Itty Bitty Betta :)

How's Bulldog this morning? I hope he made it through the night. :unsure:

If so, you can go to the lfs today to get some stress coat and if you have a good local shop, they might have some other helpful ideas, too.

When my fish have any kind of problem, since I can't feed them chicken soup, I like to give them live bloodworms to build them up. It does seem to do them good. Perhaps you might want to try it, too. :nod:

Please be sure to keep us up to date on his progress. :)
Hi, Inchworm. I'm at work today, so I won't be able to get StressCoat today, it will have to wait until tomorrow evening. Bulldog is doing fine. At least he still has his voracious appetite. I fed everyone freeze-dried grubs for breakfast instead of the usual frozen bloodworms. Everyone but the "unnamed one" seemed to take to grubs, so Bulldog got his scraps. No one likes the pellets. They'll chomp on them once, but then they face me and spit them back out - like if they wanted to spit it "at" me. I put more BettaFix in Bulldog's jar and have to do a water change for everyone tonight when I get home. Looks like Bulldog is a fighter....

More after I get home....
Hello again Itty Bitty Betta :)

I'm SOOOOOO glad to hear that Buldog is OK! :D

Since he made it through the night and is eating this morning, he propably has no internal injuries or other serious damage and will be just fine! What a relief that must be for you! :nod:

A high protien diet, like you are feeding him, will probably help to heal his fins, too.
So far no water-change mishaps. It's like Bulldog never had an ordeal. However, he did have a white streak when he was placed in a holding bowl - first time I ever seen that from him. He must have been stressed. Then I put him in his clean bowl that was mixed-in with a drop of StressCoat. He was REALLY hungry! But his tummy is big. So I just gave him one freeze-dried grub. He'll survive for a couple of days without eating. Next was Batman. He's the easiest because he can be tricked into the net. Then the next change was Telly. He was really freaking out! A very prominent white stripe appeared across his lateral line. Once he was back in his clean jar he calmed down in under a minute. Last was the "unnamed one". He's the hardest because he knows how to avoid the net. He'll flare his extended- crown fins and then face the net sideways because the net is small and he won't fit that way. And he'll also press his body against the side of the holding bowl and slip by the net. Then I fed everyone grubs except for Bulldog. He gotta lose a little weight. Everyone is acting curious and hungry, so I guess that's good. :)
Hi Itty Bitty Betta :)

"All's well that ends well," as the saying goes! :thumbs:

Now you not only have a fish, you have a fish with a great story. He'll always be special to you because of it. ;)
Dammit! I almost lost Telly this time....
My name should be changed to Bad4Bettas.

:sad: :( :no:

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