Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

I've recently had loads of trouble with algae growing on my sand. I keep getting rid of it every week, but within a few days it's back again! I'm currently battling with my nitrate levels, could this be the reason for all the algae?



It's started growing on some rocks too..

Different algae that I keep having to trim..

And a picture of my Zoanthids and Mushroom polyp that came with my live rock :)
Like your red algae Nat, if you ever want to sell some and pop it in the post - let me know :good:

The other algae that is on your sand and starting on your rock is cyano i'm afraid - it is what I am currently battling as well :blink:

Increase flow to area
decrease amount of food
how long do you keep your lights on for?
are you running a phosphate (main culprit along with flow) remover?

Seffie x
Like your red algae Nat, if you ever want to sell some and pop it in the post - let me know :good:

The other algae that is on your sand and starting on your rock is cyano i'm afraid - it is what I am currently battling as well :blink:

Increase flow to area
decrease amount of food
how long do you keep your lights on for?
are you running a phosphate (main culprit along with flow) remover?

Seffie x

My lights are on for 12 hours each day, and I make sure I keep my room dark the rest of the time. When my new bulbs arrive I was thinking of decreasing the amount of time they're on for and maybe getting some LEDs for night time. What kind of time should they all be on for?

No I don't have any kind of phosphate remover and my phosphate test kit still hasn't arrived yet. I'm not sure how I'd go about running a phosphate remover as I don't have a sump or an external or internal filter. All I have is my skimmer, could I run anything in that? Lol, I really don't understand phosphate removers.

Also I'd be happy to send you some of that red algae. Do you think I'd be able to get one of those ceramic shafts off you? I think I could probably file it down to make it fit. This pump is doing my head in. I've managed to get it running with a bit of plastic instead but it's too short and makes the pump really noisy, so I'm having to use my crummy Juwel one at night so I can get some sleep. Nightmare!
Nat, PM me your address and I will send you it :good: can you file down ceramic?

Did you see that Simon is selling a koralia 1 for twenty quid?

What skimmer is it, some you can, some you cant - might be worth buying a cheap external to run phosphate remover in.

if your tubes are older than six months, that will not help either

Seffie x
Nat, PM me your address and I will send you it :good: can you file down ceramic?

Did you see that Simon is selling a koralia 1 for twenty quid?

What skimmer is it, some you can, some you cant - might be worth buying a cheap external to run phosphate remover in.

if your tubes are older than six months, that will not help either

Seffie x

Thanks Seffie, I've PM'd it to you now :) My skimmmer is a Deltec MCE300. My tubes at the moment are only 4 months old, so should be fine. Can't wait until my Marine ones arrive though, I feel like my whole tank will look a million times better.

I'm still contemplating buying those Resun pumps on ebay. Bit torn between what to do at the moment.
My deltec 600 has an area to keep media - I suspect the 300 is the same (I should really know as my daughter has that skimmer) :good:

Ah right, just been and had a look, it doesn't have room for media - however, sounds like from your PM that you and your dad have good DIY skills - you could make a basket type box and hang it under the outflow, you could then place a media bag with phosphate remover in that :good:

Seffie x

ps my sister Trod, had a resun in her nano, she was happy with it - but I would buy Simon's koralia
Should the box that I make be something like this one?...

That looks quite do-able :good:

Hmm I think I'll leave the Koralia for now. My clownfish are in love with this pump at the moment, so hopefully I'll be able to last a bit longer with this when I get it fixed. My bank balance has been ridiculous since I got this tank. Haha.
I've just realised that I could use one of the baskets with filter media in that came with my internal filter that I removed. I could easily just pop that in the skimmer above the pump output. Do you recommend any phosphate removers in particular?
So I just went to the LFS to get some salt, but came back with a Royal Gramma too! I did have it in my mind that I would probably get one and as soon as I saw it I had to have it. Acclimating it at the moment but will put some pics up soon!
Most phosphate remover is exactly the same, its all Granular Ferric Oxide the only different being the granule size.

There are also liquids you can use that bind to the phosphate. I haven't used these or looked into them in great detail yet but I know of people on other forums that have had a lot of success with them.

Whatever you use (assuming its GFO based) make sure you check your phosphate regularly and once it starts to rise replace it right away.

Also a quick note. I use the fluval phosphate remover (because its the only one my LFS stocks) and the instructions says to use only a fraction of the full amount you are supposed to use if you have a reef aquarium. This is complete rubbish, if you use the reduced amount it does absolutely nothing and I have used up to double the recommended amount without any effect on my corals or livestock.
Thanks Seffie, maybe it will arrive today *fingers crossed* ..I'm going to pop your algae in the post today. :good:

Thanks for all the advice on Phosphate Remover everyone. I've been looking at prices and I think I'm going to go with Rowaphos.

I've just been to the post office collection office and have got my new marine T5 tubes! I'm just wondering though..should I put the blue at the front and the white at the back..or the other way round?

Also got my API reef test kit. Will be interesting to see what it says my Nitrate levels are. I'm also going to test my Calcium, Phosphate and Carbonate Hardness for the first time ever.

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