Nathaniel's 20h Aquarium Journal

Yeh, I agree with the others you are going to have no end of problems with such high lighting. I have a hi-tech 20H, it has 2.75wpg with pressurized CO2.

Also your fish are most likely dieing because of the ammonia present in your tank, It should be at zero. Have you added or done anything to the tank that might cause a mini-cycle?
Hmm, I added a new filter but I left the old filter in. My Ammonia is .25. Nitriate and Nitrate are 0 have been for a while.. Temp is around 74-76F. pH is like 7.4-7.6.
Ok. major problem. I'm loosing ALL of my fish. My tank stats are like their supposed to be, but what is causing it?

This is the first time I've noticed the huge die-off. I switched dechlorinations, and ever since it has started killing them. I know you're all going to tell me to go back to the older dechlorinator , but before you do COULD that be the problem?

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