Bear in mind that a nano is tricky to set up and can cost almost as much as a larger SW tank. I have gone for nanos due to lack of space.
The 10 gall in the thread that you refer to has cost something like the following:
Tank - LAC R538 ~£70 including lighting and filtration. Got a bit off as it was ex-display.
Lighting - ~£40. Removed all of the stock 8w lights and replaced with a DIY 18w compact T5 setup.
Water circulation - ~£65. Removed the original pump as it was noisy (could be it doesn't like SW), added external cannister to allow use of carbon, etc.
Salt - buy at least three times as much as you need to set the tank up so that you have plenty for water changes, which are critical in a small tank.
Sand - allow up to £10-£15. I had half a bag left over from a previous tank and was able to seed it from that tank. You can sometimes buy a small quantity of sand from an LFS to seed the sand for a small charge. You need about 5lbs or so of live sand (if you seed ordinary sand it becomes live over time).
Live rock - £30 to £60 (or more). You will need to pick it out at an LFS rather than buy mail order to make sure the peices are small enough. For a ten gallon tank you need at least 10lb of live rock in total, but allow for the fact that the soft corals you will want will be attached to rock so don't fill up totally. Expect to pay at least £5-7 per lb.
Allow additional money for your invertebrates.
Shrimp: £10 upwards for a cleaner, peppermint, etc.
Snails: about 1 per gallon. I mix astrea, ceriths and nassurius to address different issues. Allow about £2-3 each
Hermits - best to go for Blue Legged Hermits as they stay smaller (up to 1"). The correct type have orange/yellow bands on the legs and black-ish equal sized claws. They are also cheaper than red legs at about £2 each. I would go for 3 or 4 in a ten. Make sure you add a fair number of empty shells otherwise they will kill your snails to try on their shells.
Corals - probably best to stick to softies rather than SPS or LPS. Mushrooms, polyps, xenia, etc. should all be ok. Prices vary depending on size, type, etc. I am waiting for some frags from another reefer at £5 each, this is a good way to keep the costs down.
Skimmer - I don't use one on my nanos, but it is a personal choice. Suitable skimmers for nanos are hard to find in the UK, you could go for various hang on the back types. Allow £100 plus if you are going to use one.
In terms of fish, you are very limited due to the small size. You could look at a Yellow Clown Gobie (max 1 1/2"), Royal Gramma (max 3"), Pyjama Cardinalfish (max 3", might need to move to larger when grown) or Orchid Dottyback (max 3"). Note that these are just quick 'of the top of my head' suggestions and you will need to properly research them first.
The main thing is to get as much info as possible, plan everything out, get a routine set up and take lots of time to get it up and running.
HTH, Eddie
Oops - forgot a heater!!!! My 10 has a 50w heater which I had spare, might be good to go with a 100w but be careful in case it sticks on and boils the tank.