Nano Reef Diary... Updated 18/06/06

:wow: Loving your tank so much :D

Your coral selection and the specimens themselves are so healthy it's unbelieveable :wub:

Might've been asked already but what camera are you using?

Fujifilm S5500 with Macro and Close-up lenses i bought off Ebay for £13!

Full tank shot...


And some mushroom shots..



Wow, that looks so good. I like your sexy shrimp best, very cute! Everything looks great, though, so healthy!

Absolutly fantastic Ben,
Could you give me a run down of all the livestock (corals and inverts) you have in there.
Also what lighting are you using.
Well i've just ordered a triple 24" T5 unit off ebay, but currently the lighting is a 2x18W compact T5 lumminaire and a 15W Arcadia FW Light.

The stocking is as follows..

Bi-Colour Blenny
Blue Pipefish
B&W Clownfish
Blue Neon GOby

4 Sexy Shrimp
1 Cleaner Shrimp
3 Red Hermits
1 Hawiian Hermit
3 Astrea Snails
3 Cerith Snails
1 Nassarius
2 Feather Worms
LOADS of Britle Stars

Pussy Coral
Various Zoanthids
Various Star Polyps
Silver Pulse Xenia
Ricordea Mushrooms
Purple Melon Mushrooms
Blue Spot Mushrooms
Green Furry Mushrooms
Red Finger Gorgonia
Orange Tree Gorgonia
Open Brain Coral
Rose Euphillia

Lookin smart :good: and getting better all the time! Cant wait to get mine somewhere near the level of yours.

A few Q's to be answered if you please :rolleyes:

1) could we get a FTS of tyour Pico?

2)how much was the Porcelain Crab? Did you order it special?

3) What are you tank prams? Do you still use tap water?

Anywhos keep it up!!
Do you dose calcium/nutrients etc or rely on regular water changes to keep these up?

About to start a 22g nano and just found this, very inspirational.

Are you still running biological media in the filter? As this seems to go against all current thinking?
I use Ehfi Substrat and Ehfi Mech in the 2213 and Ehfi Mech / small sponge / carbon in the internal filter box.

I use Salifert All-In-One to dose trace elements, but as i use a combination of tap-mixed water and system water from work there is already plenty of calcium in it

Swapped the Blue Neon Goby for a Red Banded High-Fin Goby, the blue neon is now living in my filter feeder nano very happily.

Some new pics.....!

Full Tank Shot...


The new goby...

Pussy Coral getting big!...

Hawiian Hermit roaming...



New Giant Gorgonia...


:drool: :drool: :drool:

Is about as eloquent as I can get with your tank. Great job.

llj :D
Its a High-fin Red Banded Shrimp Goby! Usually would pair with a pistol shrimp, but pistols are too destructive for my tank!

The Hawiian Hermit is supposidly reef safe, but I have heard people saying they grow big and eat fish. If anyone would care to show me a big one then I might believe them but it appears to be speculation as I have not seen or heard of any real evidence to support this. I would just say "add with caution".


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