Nano Journal...

Ok,thanks.It's funny you should say that i was jsut ordering soem wisteria and more red ludwigia
I would go for Ludwigia Repens, Rotala Rotundifolia and Hygrophylia Polysperma Rosanervig.

they all go red at the top, yelow in the middle, green at the bottom
they all grow fast and bushy
they look great
and theyre easy to grow (under low light they will stay green and yellow and not go red)

Cant lose and theyre all easily available.

Did you ever find out what the wattage is in your tank? It's a 28l tank, right? They look like power compacts to me, but I couldn't tell the wattage from the pictures you posted. Manufacturers usually post the total wattage in the packaging.

llj :)
The light is 11 watt.Although it has two of them one is a night light and cannot be turned on at the same time as the other one.O yeh my hagen nutrafin co2 kit has been runnning for nearly 20hrs and i havn't seen a bubble in the ladder!? Some of the vallis reached the top of the tank but i trimmed it as it looked silly against the other ones.Just charging up my phone to take pics..
Just watched the co2 thingy for 1 1/2 minutes and a bubble came out but missed the ladder :S
...i positiond the tube rongly :/.How many Bubbles per min should i have,i think my tank is 5 gals.
I'm getting about 1 bubble every 39 seconds from the co2 thingy...Is this enough?I should really get a Kh test kit and work out my co2 levels,so i will be getting one of them this week :good: .I've added 3 baby amazon sword plants,put the java moss on a rock and added and abubis on a rock from another tank.The colour on my phone is really messed up so you can hardly see the plants...But o well.Wisteria and red ludwigia is coming this week.All plants are doing fine except the four leaf clover.Quite a few leaves have died and gone brown.Is this because it has only just been planted or could something else be affecting it?I got a free sample of nutrafin plant grow with the co2 kit so i am using that atm.

Crappy pics..


As i wasn't getting many bubbles from the co2 kit i read up the pinned thread and saw that if it's warmer you get more co2 (in plain english..) so i got a spare heat pad what i use for my reptiles and put it under the bottle/canister.Now will this be to hot and explode or will it make the fermenting process go fasting...Ok already i'm getting a bubble every 12 seconds.
Heres some more pics,1 of the night light.However the 'pink' bulb is actually dark purple...I've been experimenting with the angle of my pictures trying to get the glare of the plants and gravel...Here are the piccies anyway. :good:


As i wasn't getting many bubbles from the co2 kit i read up the pinned thread and saw that if it's warmer you get more co2 (in plain english..) so i got a spare heat pad what i use for my reptiles and put it under the bottle/canister.Now will this be to hot and explode or will it make the fermenting process go fasting...Ok already i'm getting a bubble every 12 seconds.

Careful, if the temp is too hot, you'll kill the yeast and then no CO2. What are you using for your CO2 mix. The packets that came with it? Most of us here do a DIY mix. I use 1/2 tsp of Yeast to 1/2 cup of sugar and I get about a bubble a second.

You have a night light and a regular bulb and each are 11W? Do you know the Kelvin temp on these bulbs? You might not need CO2 if you only have 11W over 5g and if the night bulb is useless for photosynthesis. The night light is like a moonlight, right? These are all assumptions based on the information you've provided.

It's hard to photograph a bowfront. I've got a 36g one and it's a pain.
I somehow managed to break the crappy plastic/glass and the tank is slowly leaking. :shout: :no: :X :-( :( :S ...This sucks.Anyway pics of the light. It's says PL-11 W and has two tube one white one blue.If i empytied it out do you think i may be able to seal it with some aquarium sealant?O yeh and the heat pad isn't hot it's warm,so i think it's ok?

I pulled all plants,fish & gravel out then i took the lid out and undergravel filter and cleaned it all out.Siloconed the two possible places where it was leaking now i have to wait 24 hrs :huh: .I want to try and order some ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia (3 liters) - Normal from aquaessentials but would this be enough? The Luwidgia and wisteria will be coming tomorrow or the next day so the tank should be ready by then.Also when i was pullnig the plants out i noticed my 'dieing' four leaf clover had grown loads of little leaves...Oh yea and just to go over a few other questions;

Can i change the lights so they are both daylight?Giving me a total of 22 watts.
Is there anyway to turn the co2 of?Also i am just using the packets for the time being until i run out then i will use the diy mixture.
On the co2 i was getting about 9 bubbles per minute,i havn't checked the Kh or Ph yet so i do not know the co2 levels :wub: .But do you think this will be over-doing it for my tank?
I don't know where to by ottos from.George,as your near me (i'm in chatteris) do you know where to buy any from?
Also incase you have forgot will Aqua Soil Amazonia (3 liters) be enough for my tank?

Can i change the lights so they are both daylight?Giving me a total of 22 watts.
Is there anyway to turn the co2 of?Also i am just using the packets for the time being until i run out then i will use the diy mixture.
On the co2 i was getting about 9 bubbles per minute,i havn't checked the Kh or Ph yet so i do not know the co2 levels :wub: .But do you think this will be over-doing it for my tank?
I don't know where to by ottos from.George,as your near me (i'm in chatteris) do you know where to buy any from?
Also incase you have forgot will Aqua Soil Amazonia (3 liters) be enough for my tank?


Sorry about the tank breaking, hopefully it'll all sort out. I'm not familiar with ADA products, as my tanks are very economical, so I can't answer your question about amount, but others use it and have fantastic results.

Clover has two leaf forms, emersed (which is dying off) and the submerged form (little single leaves usually of a thicker texture and darker green).

Yes, I don't see any reason why you can't change to 22W, but you'll have to be sure you'll be ready perhaps dose macro nutrients and follow a dosing regimen that is more strict. In addition, you'll have to increase your CO2 output by quite a margin, aim for 1 bubble a second.

The packs are really rubbish, and I'd implement a DIY mix ASAP, or you may have algae issues if you increase your lighting. I have raised fragile cherry barb fry with a CO2 level of 56ppm, so it'll be a while before your levels reach a point that would be harmful.

I could recommend a nice place in my neck of the woods for you to purchase some fine otos, but you'd need about $1000 or more to get there, so I'll let George offer something better.

Hope your tank fixes itself. I'd be livid if that happened to me.

Be careful if you use ADA Aqua Soil. My tank has been running for ten days with AS and the Ammonia reading is off scale.


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