cheesy feet
Fish Aficionado
Ok,thanks.It's funny you should say that i was jsut ordering soem wisteria and more red ludwigia
As i wasn't getting many bubbles from the co2 kit i read up the pinned thread and saw that if it's warmer you get more co2 (in plain english..) so i got a spare heat pad what i use for my reptiles and put it under the bottle/canister.Now will this be to hot and explode or will it make the fermenting process go fasting...Ok already i'm getting a bubble every 12 seconds.
Can i change the lights so they are both daylight?Giving me a total of 22 watts.
Is there anyway to turn the co2 of?Also i am just using the packets for the time being until i run out then i will use the diy mixture.
On the co2 i was getting about 9 bubbles per minute,i havn't checked the Kh or Ph yet so i do not know the co2 levels .But do you think this will be over-doing it for my tank?
I don't know where to by ottos from.George,as your near me (i'm in chatteris) do you know where to buy any from?
Also incase you have forgot will Aqua Soil Amazonia (3 liters) be enough for my tank?