Nano Journal...

Just read up they don't necceserely need highlighting,is anyone renuing/tidying up some of their riccia and could give me some for free?
I'm afraid the wheat plant probably isn't aquatic and will die in your tank after a few weeks, you could put it in your vivarium though.




UPDATE : I have added a bridge (with java moss on)which i am going to use as the centre peice.Plus a few other algae infested plants.Hoping my amano shrimp will clean this up ,although only thing they seem to be doing is dieing (i know i shouldn't of got them this soon but they were dying in my other tank so..).
Anyways enjoy...sorry for the dam qaulity...i need a proper camera
Don't take this the wrong way, but we need something to comment on. Its lacking plants me thinks ;) also if you have questions (the more specific the better, i.e. does this plant look better here or here) then people will have something to respond to :)

Having said all that, its a nice tank, you should be pleased :)

Yeh,I'm still waiting for the delivery from java -_-
I'll ask my dad again if i can order the hagen co2 kit.Because their is green hair algae coming.Btw the tank isn't to bright,it's one 11 W(one blue one white,does anyone know if i can change these?) and i sometimes turn my desktop lamp on next to it aswell,i think it's just my crappy camera.I have noticed some growth now though B)
This hopefully will be my final plan,when the plants come.Any ideas/critisizm welcome!
Are you tieing down the java moss with a rubber band? if so I would reccomend changing that to some nutural colored string. Also I don't want t tell you what to do but I wouldn't have the bridge in the center, I think it will draw attention away from your other plants.
About the rubber band thing,i've taken them of now as the java moss is holding its self.I have used them before with no ill effects,but it's probably because i only use them for just over a week. I will see how the bridge looks when the java moss has grown on,and then see if you guys like it (and me ofcourse!) & ask for suggestions.All will be reveiled when i get my plants hopefully.My dad hasn't got paid for 3 weeks because he hasn't managed to sell any conservatories,and the washing machine :rolleyes: has just broken-_- .But I think I will be able to scrounge £16 for the hagen co2 kit .
Plants and co2 came,however i wasn't here for the delivery of the co2 kit so i will be picking it up tomorrow.Here are some pics,the vallis needs to grow up a bit ,then it will look much better.The four leaf clover is suprisingly tall,i thought it was a ground covering plant,o well hopefully it will grow down...I love the fountain plants,but my phone camera sucks so it all looks a bit browner bahh.overall the plants came in very good condition apart from the four leaf clother with a few dead leaves.Btw i have took the bridge out because i couldn't see what i was doing,atm i'll just leave it to grow out and see the results,then have a change around.I need some seachem excel now and get my co2 running,then eventually get soem ADA substrate. :good: When i took the pics the plants were all a bit wonky,they have stratend up a though.O well enough delay.Here are the pictures.I am going to get 3 cherry shrimp and 2 amanos,or could i have more?





Sorry had to add one of my cute lil water dragon :rolleyes:

O yea the wheat plants(spider plants) are going into my wd's vivarium.
I think you should still get more plants, even if its a tenner for 25 cuttings off ebay. You need some fast growing stems in there to help control the algae in the first few months.

You can also buy replacement bulbs for your Aqua Tank off ebay, but yould have to contact the seller r.e. the K rating as I have no experience with this tank.


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