Nano fish for high flow tank?

Barry Tetra

Fish Aficionado
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Dec 23, 2019
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Hi there,

I’m currently planning to aquascape new tank in two days. And looking for a small fish that can be kept in a tank with high flow from the filter. (will be kept in qt tank for the time being of course)

The tank dimension is 60Lx30Wx38H cm. It will have substrate of 6cm along with a carpet of Helanthium quadricostatus, and lush jungle in the background, which will left only small room for swimming at the front. Filter flow rate will be 440l/h + surface skimmer 400l/h.
So are there any fish suitable for this tank?
What is the GH and PH of your water?
I wonder if you could do some borneo sucker loaches. Their really cool fish (I'm too lazy to do the scientific name atm. Pretty tired lol)
Yoooo Barry welcome back it’s been awhile
Hey there! haven’t seen you in a while as well, How are you?
I wonder if you could do some borneo sucker loaches. Their really cool fish (I'm too lazy to do the scientific name atm. Pretty tired lol)
Sadly, I’m not a fan of loaches and other bottom dwellers as they like to nip plant leaves. I’m interested in nano schooling fish.
Body shape will tell you - torpedo shapes. Most Moenkhausia, if you can find Iguanadectes, Knodus and few others. Rheophile tetras are less available because they need a lot of oxygen (shipping issues) and are harder to catch. But if you stay away from the blackwater, flooded forest species, you have a wealth of possibilities since the flow in that tank won't be crazy.

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