Stocking a cube


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2021
Reaction score
Czech republic
Hi. I have a cube 40x40x40 cm. Set up since June, i used it for fry rearing or just a spare tank. It has a coconut cave, a ceramic tunnel, some wood, floating plants, normal plants, sponge filter and now a heater.

I know cubes are not ideal tanks and the dimensions are too small for most fish. On the other hand the tank is too high for shallow water things like a betta or african dwarf frog.
I was contemplating pygmy corydoras but i doubt it is large enough for them to enjoy.
Is there any fish that would enjoy this place? I was wondering if a pea puffer but i am still confused regarding the one vs group keeping.
Thank you for opinions
ps i was doing a water change this why the water level is a bit low


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Forgot to include those. I have pH around 7, with the botanicals making it a bit lower. Water is soft, i don't remember the numbers exactly though. I keep many other fish and most prosper so i would say i am in the sweet spot with water parameters for most fish. I stay away from any live-bearers and anything needing hard water
Forgot to include those. I have pH around 7, with the botanicals making it a bit lower. Water is soft, i don't remember the numbers exactly though. I keep many other fish and most prosper so i would say i am in the sweet spot with water parameters for most fish. I stay away from any live-bearers and anything needing hard water
Sounds good, I really like honey gouramis, they have a very lively personality and they are adorable. Neon tetras and sterbai corydoras are cool too!
I love honey gouramis too, but i ordered two times already from asian breeders and lost the fish in five weeks, no signs.
I have a school of sterbais corydoras in my other tank and i have rummynose with them, much livelier than neons :) i also have ember tetras, the most boring tetra ever in my opinion.
For a cube i don't think a school is such a good idea. I was thinking a solitary fish, a trio. I was contemplating a tiger badis but inialy thought to add them to my clown killifish tank, which is 50x25x38 cm And maybe better planted


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I love honey gouramis too, but i ordered two times already from asian breeders and lost the fish in five weeks, no signs.
I have a school of sterbais corydoras in my other tank and i have rummynose with them, much livelier than neons :) i also have ember tetras, the most boring tetra ever in my opinion.
For a cube i don't think a school is such a good idea. I was thinking a solitary fish, a trio. I was contemplating a tiger badis but inialy thought to add them to my clown killifish tank, which is 50x25x38 cm And maybe better planted
Some female bettas would work...
I wouldn't rule out a group of dwarf frogs necessarily, if you drop the water a bit and add a few more floating plants I think they'd get on fine in that kind of tank. I think my tank is a similar height, I have it filled about 75% of the way up and have plants at all different levels which they hang out on.

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