Nano Comp/tanks

Possibly a limit on the number of entrants?

Or, People could just enter their tanks, then once theres enough, we could kindly ask the mod to run the comp and any entrants after would then be entered into the next one
no limit on enterants, maybe a 2 week period to get your pics in and then the comp closes, pics validated etc and then winner announced. starts again next month and so on...
So, who's adding the first pic then? I'm happy to start...... I would assume add a post-it note or other with date written on it and your forum name?
I think you'd need moderator approval before any type of competition was in place, or at least ask for permission first.
I will change the the title, I said it doesnt have to be TOTM! lol

I think also, it would just be nice to have them in one section. Although I know we have different sections for different freshwater fish, Cichlid journals, planted, betta etc, but most nanos aren't really governed by this, cos of the lack of fish in most of them

I like the idea of having a Nano section :good:
Would this be for any type of system? Marine, fresh etc... The common definition of a nano is almost completely different between the two. When you think about it, most people consider 30g or less a nano for a marine tank.
Im aware that marine systems are like that, i used to belong to a few marine forums, so I dont think it would would work, if a dedicated size was agreed then if any tank fits the bill, there wouldnt be a problem. Depends whether it would be a comp or section

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