Name a real cute fish.

Well, it's pretty much already been determined I'm a complete tard.

Here's my latest stupid question - when posting something that someone else said (as a quote) is there an easy way to put it in as a quote without having to copy, paste and edit it a whole bunch? Or is everyone kinda doing that manually???

BettaMomma said:
Well, it's pretty much already been determined I'm a complete tard.

Here's my latest stupid question - when posting something that someone else said (as a quote) is there an easy way to put it in as a quote without having to copy, paste and edit it a whole bunch? Or is everyone kinda doing that manually???

Click the 'quote' button at the top right of the post. Then you can edit the part you're quoting in your reply, in a separated box. The rest of the work is done for you.
Killifish are cute... so pretty.... And bettas are the cutest when they flare :wub: Doing their 'Grrr! Go away, pesky male betta who looks a lot like me!' swim...

Erm sorrrrrry all if this doesn't come out right! I've not posted a pic b4! Well, not a decent 1 anyway! lol :rofl:
Whiskerz said:
That's the biggest pic I've ever seen! :blink:

You should resize it to a smaller size :p
That's what i was going to say. :lol:
That better yes he's a little cutie.
Thanx Wilder.... He's my Pride & Joy! Even though i nearly fried him last week with my exploding heater!

All better now though!
I remember that now, lol.

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