Name 5 Fish

This tank will just sit there for month after month If I just keep doing 25% water changes.
I'm sorry but I legit do not have a clue what you're talking about right now 😂
Generally 4.0-7.5 (depending on species).
Well I'm sure they MAY be able to do well in a tank of 8.1 but we are trying to look for species that actually do or can live in those environments

Ah ok! Thanks for the interpretation lol
If you decide to make large water changes your pH will never drop, because the pH of the tap water is always above seven, if you do small water changes then your pH will tend toward acid, because of the organic activity in the tank. All organic activity has an acidic component to it.
If you decide to make large water changes your pH will never drop, because the pH of the tap water is always above seven, if you do small water changes then your pH will tend toward acid, because of the organic activity in the tank. All organic activity has an acidic component to it.
Yes, that's true... Unless you have a KH of 14-16 then you just cant

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