Mystery fish ID, please!

AdoraBelle Dearheart

Nutty fish nutter
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jul 22, 2020
Reaction score
Not my fish or photo, hope you don't mind pinching your photo and making a thread to get an ID on these fish! @JackGulley !

From a store near @JackGulley , so likely young, could be a bit stressed - but would like to find out what they are!
They aren't kribs, are they? My mind kept saying "kribensis", but googling photos brings up pages of ones in full breeding mode colouration. Could also be something else entirely, I know someone here will know what they are!
Look like my madigascars, that just died… new TB outbreak just recently, and lost a couple

Can you spell out the full name, or Latin name please? Just googling Madagacars is a bit too vague to look up! ;)
I'm really sorry you lost a couple of yours!!

Ah, while writing, @MaloK narrowed it down! Good timing :D Thank you both for the ID!

@JackGulley Now you know what else you can put on your wishlist. :yahoo:Although after @Magnum Man's post above, and his recent informative thread about TB in rainbowfish, would be worth checking out that thread of his before buying
@JackGulley Now you know what else you can put on your wishlist. :yahoo:Although after @Magnum Man's post above, and his recent informative thread about TB in rainbowfish, would be worth checking out that thread of his before buying
Madagascan rainbows are much less likely to have Fish TB than rainbowfishes from Australia and New Guinea. The fish from Australia and New Guinea are different to the Madagascan varieties and much more prone to TB than the Madagascan types. It doesn't mean they won't or can't get it but they are less likely to have it than the Aust/ PNG types.
mine lasted through, the slow demise of my Yellow Axlerodi, then the other day I lost 2 of my Madigascars the other day to SDS
Sudden Death Syndrome

@gwand ... 12 tanks set up right now... fish ???
Madagascan rainbows are much less likely to have Fish TB than rainbowfishes from Australia and New Guinea. The fish from Australia and New Guinea are different to the Madagascan varieties and much more prone to TB than the Madagascan types. It doesn't mean they won't or can't get it but they are less likely to have it than the Aust/ PNG types.
That’s good to know! I’ll have to research them.
Sorry, that’s just something I came up with for death by unknown and unexpected causes… I’ve had at least 2 previous, but the last were likely cause by TB

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