Mystery deaths

Cheese Specialist said:
Drlife202 said:
There must be a place where you can go talk to someone.
There really isn't!! I live in a big city but there's no-one. My lfs were giving out some very dodgy advice to people yesterday.

That's why I come onto forums.

You didn't really answer my questions. How long did your fish take to die after getting sick, were they all noticeably sick at once? What was the medicine called?

Sorry, well I started to notice my fish just sitting at the bottom of the tank, not moving at all. So I looked at the fish that was doing that and I couldern't Identify what was wrong with it. I went to the Garden Center, water life section and he checked the dead fish under a microscope. He told me you will not be able to spot the parasite. When I noticed the fish staying at the bottom of the tank doing nothing, I say the next day I found it dead. The Neon Tetras all died at the same time, it was at night time the next morning all of them were dead. So yes they seemed sick at once. The medicine they gave me is called: Protozin
Thanks for the information.

I just did a search for Protozin and found this:

"PROTOZIN is used for the control of all protozoan and fungal infections e.g Whitespot, Fungus, Neon Tetra Disease, Velvet, Costiasis and Trichodiniasis. You will require 4 separate applications to complete the course of treatment. By gently increasing the treatment concentration over days 1, 2 and 3 the product does not burden the already stressed animals with a hard hitting formula. The final dose on day 6 is a preventative measure to try and ensure the organism does not re-occur. PROTOZIN's properties are highly effective at treating all its target organisms"

- -

This makes me think it was probably neon tetra disease your fish had based on what the guy said about it being common in neons.

I will check it out as well as the other things the med treats.

Thanks, you have been very helpful. Just hope I can get to the bottom of it.
No problems. I know how you feel, it started to realy annoy me. But yeah this stuff should do the trick. If I was you I would buy some of it and do 1 course and see if your fish look better, if you still have fish dieing do a second course. This will soon clear up what ever parasite you have in your tank! Good Luck!
If you live in a big city there must be somewhere you can go mate. Just go to Google and type in something like "Fish Suppliers Newcastle" or "Fish Specialists Newcastle" etc. Your bound to fins somewhere. Like you said, Newcastle is a big place :)
Auslander said:
If you live in a big city there must be somewhere you can go mate. Just go to Google and type in something like "Fish Suppliers Newcastle" or "Fish Specialists Newcastle" etc. Your bound to fins somewhere. Like you said, Newcastle is a big place :)
There is nowhere that knows any more than I do.

Hmmm to me it sounds a bit like gill flukes. Do you know if the affected fish use only one gill at a time? are the gills pale or deep red?

Gill flukes are quite common and can take quite a while to spread through a tank. I lost a whole batch of Apistogramma fry and their parents to them because I thought it was bacterial. I use another waterlife product called sterazin for flukes, crustaceans and other nasties that are hard to pin down. You can see the flukes with 100x magnification on the gill rake of an infected fish that has died.

If you are going to use Sterazin, be sure there are no crabs,shrimps and snails in the tank, it will kill them and rotting crusties can be lethal.


Ken_g_w said:
Hmmm to me it sounds a bit like gill flukes. Do you know if the affected fish use only one gill at a time? are the gills pale or deep red?

Gill flukes are quite common and can take quite a while to spread through a tank. I lost a whole batch of Apistogramma fry and their parents to them because I thought it was bacterial. I use another waterlife product called sterazin for flukes, crustaceans and other nasties that are hard to pin down. You can see the flukes with 100x magnification on the gill rake of an infected fish that has died.

If you are going to use Sterazin, be sure there are no crabs,shrimps and snails in the tank, it will kill them and rotting crusties can be lethal.



When the albino cory died I notcied a deep red patch on one side, I think near the top of the pectoral fin. I am not sure if I mentioned that in my initial post.
Here's a good article on flukes, body flukes dont kill as quick as gill flukes but can be just as dangerous. The article is HERE.

They are one of the nastier parasites but can be treated quite effectively with Sterazin. The article cites Malachite green/formalin for treatment, but I found Sterazin to calm the fish more quickly and I had a nice picture in my head of flukes burning in hell as I poured it in :) Even the name 'Sterazin' has a sense of doom about it! Find it HERE.

Hope it works out for you :/

Protozin treats a couple of fish illnesses, I still reccomend you buy some of this stuff and hopefully it will get rid of the parasite in your water.
Just to inform you, today one of my fish died of bacteria. I went to my local place and they have gave me some treatment called: Melafix so if you have more fish dieing just after you treated your fish get this stuff it should sort out anymore problems.
I am not going to put random meds in the tank!

I don't think much of melafix, it's too much of a general med and so is no use in more serious cases IMO.

I have had no more deaths since the last post when I added anti-internal bacteria treatment to the tank, which leads me to believe I have treated correctly as before I lost one a day.

Thanks for the idea though.
No what I ment was, you do a 6 day course of the Protozin then do a 50 % water change and then at the other stuff. It was just to eliment any problems. I'm glad you got everything sorted :)

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