My Web site version 2


Fish Addict
Feb 3, 2004
Reaction score
UK Peterborough (80 miles north of london)
For those of you that havent been here for the past few days i've set up a new web site. Now i've done some work on it and it looks different and now i just hope it works. link below will show you.

click here

So what do you think :) give me an honnest opnion.

I'll be adding some pictures to it soon so
That's much easier to navigate. The only criticisms of the actual website I have (I haven't read most of the content, but I will do!) are that the "substrate link is broken, and I think the resolution is too high as you have to scroll across to read the page all the time. I have my screen set at 1024x768, so you might want to set it smaller. Other than that, so far so good :clap: !!!!!
Great website, your tank looks good

Only thing i dont like is the advertisment banner, it opens on every page, perhaps just have it on the first page.

Other than that its interesting finding out about other members,

Good luck with it, so far so good

yeah the pics would be a really good idea. If you're using other peoples pictures, make sure you have permission first. Pictures always add another dimesion to a website.
As far as the popups are concerned, I don't think you can do anything about them with Geocities sites. Use a popup blocker. Google toolbar has one built in.
hi nice site but it looks like you got a lot of you info from this site equipment so far you info on Heaters and Lighting is word for word just watch out for copyright etc

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