My Wal-Mart is TERRIBLE!!

WHAT some pacus grow to 2 FEET WHAT IDIOTS i saw some dopes that wanteed to put a tiger barb in a *looks in horror* fish-bowl with no heater no air stone and feed him FLAKES they should have a law that makes it so you have to get a permit i mean c'mon they should let people with that only can afford to get them the space and treatment that they deserve once i had my 2'' knives in a 10 and they did good until some bacteria killed them do a water change they say WITH A REGENT FILTER MY ASS they should only let experanced people get jobs at fish stores put a o in a 10 gallon MY ASS magma why are you pointing upside down :grr: i think we should all get jobs at lfs's and give good advice and clean up the fish buissnessare you with me???
Saturday morning i went to Petsmart to have a shopping spree in the fish section which i did :D . But i looked at the fish too and there seem to be some stressed and ich looking fish in the bubble and globe eyed goldfish sections u.u I felt kinda bad because they were all packed into a tank and you know those big sacs under there eyes take up room!!! However, while i was there they had 2 girls siphoning and cleaning the tanks so it showed me they keep their tanks neat and clean :thumbs: ..unlike wal*mart :angry: .

My theory is that you should buy your fish at small pet or fish stores and your equipment from stores like petco, petsmart, etc.. because they carry everything and i found everything i was looking for yesterday. I would like to say the same about buying products at wal mart but some of their stuff looking :X.

I have done one of the top fish no-nos and bought my two guppies from wal*mart :whistle: . The only thing that is wrong with them is that they have some slight deformaties in their tails (temp has a little..extra peice of tail that is grown with the other :blink: and ferris has a small part bitten off) but they seem to be okay! :kana:
Jamnog said:
Back in the summer of 03 there was a similar thread about betas in cups i havent been to a wallmart the nearest equivilent would be somewhere like petcity long rows of 1 foot tanks filled with fish that dont get on and wont fit in most tanks. many of them are ill because they have just got off the plane and are now being looked after by people who's other job is sweaping the floor, selling dog food, working the checkout, catching venamouse snakes and spiders for that 11 year old who thinks it looks cool and then back to the checkout again. The kittens in the glass tanks? or puppys in rabit cages? how do thease places cary on running i dont know :/ it sux p.s. before wallmart sue me some of those references where about other private retailers.
walmart sued you :eek:
i always find it ironic that people gripe about the way fish are treated there yet they still do their shopping there. not to offend anyone who has no other alternative when buying fish but if you have an alternative why not give the small mom and pop store a try next time since they are the ones going out of business whenever one of those monstrosities moves in next door.
I'm with ya St.!
I have seriously thought about doing that since I was laid off a couple of months ago. The stupidity of some of these LFS workers kills me.
My husband and I have considered opening our own store, The only problem is I would be afraid that I wouldn't sell any fish because I would be afaid that they wouldn't be taken care of.
delirium where do you live maybe i could get a job at your store and help you out oh btw why dont you and your wife do it :dunno:
:blink: :-( :-( When will walmart learn that fish are not a product?
Hey can this be a lawsuit aginst animals. I mean cum on people kill animals for nothing is like people getting shot and nobody helping them a then dying a slow and painful death. So can we sue walmart for animal cruelty im going to need to search how I can sue walmart. I think also Shops who have fish aught to be inspected each month. Or even get a permit to sell fish and monthly inspection.
:unsure: :unsure: :unsure: -_- -_- -_- :angry: :angry: :angry: :grr: :grr: :grr:
I am happy to say that the petsmart here has really good fish! I have never lost a fish from them, not one! even my ghost shrimp are still alive!

Petco's fish section sucks but I still buy bettas because they get nice ones in sometimes.

I just bought some serpae tetras from wal-mart and they are doing great. It all depends on who's working back there. The two guys that know what their doing switch weeks with the people who don't and I noticed a big difference in the fish when they are gone! They don't know how big the fish gets and stuff but they know what the fish is called and how to bag them. Once a lady from the makeup department was doing it and she was dropping them on the floor and stuff and just said if they die bring them back. It's like, assign people to certain departments that they know and leave it at that. I'm sure some guy who wanted to buy electronics wouldn't want me helping him lol. Same goes with fish. Don't bring someone from makeup over. I want to work there but only to help the fish and I would probably be fired for kicking a kid who was poking the tanks or loosing money because I wouldn't sell someone an oscar for a ten gallon. :nod:
Before I buy any of my fish i willgo to check out the place twice to make sure the tanks are being maintained. I never look at the fish at walmart because i used to work there and i know there tanks are not the way they should be. I wish i could work at an lfs but, right now it is just not possible. it really makes me mad to go into one and try to get information and you are just bothering people because they think they have a job to do. i have learned a lot more and talked to people a lot nicer on this forum than i have in an lfs.
55gallondude said:
Hey can this be a lawsuit aginst animals. I mean cum on people kill animals for nothing is like people getting shot and nobody helping them a then dying a slow and painful death. So can we sue walmart for animal cruelty im going to need to search how I can sue walmart. I think also Shops who have fish aught to be inspected each month. Or even get a permit to sell fish and monthly inspection.
:unsure: :unsure: :unsure: -_- -_- -_- :angry: :angry: :angry: :grr: :grr: :grr:
lets sue um me andmy fiend were gonna sue are school cause of dirty food
Ive seen bad cases of stuff even at the best of shops. Deluding your self that our hobbie even encroaches on kindness to animals is... not right. Fish are not dogs or cats by any strech of the imagination.
To make matters worse... like any busness doing it right would drive the cost of a minow to 20 bucks... doubt they would make much on that price...
BTW im not sticking up for WM... just putting things in perspective.

Another key... I often go to stores such as walmart, petsmart, ect..
I NEVER look at their tanks... that would be like ... hmmm.. say.. driving past your local evangical church and purposfully reading every bumper sticker... You know you wont be happy afterwords so why do it?

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