My Wal-Mart is TERRIBLE!!

If people really want to do something about the conditions in Wal Mart fish dept the answers are this simple..

1} dont buy fish and fish products from them period. {no more fish rescues}

2} start a letter writing campaign send your protest letters to your local Wal Mart and to Wal Marts main office.. Tell them your concerns and the mistreatment of fish that you have seen in their stores.

3} Inform others about the mistreatment and get them to send letters as well and to boycott Wal Mart fish..

4} send letters to PETA and other animal rights groups and try to get them involved..

If enough people stop buying Wal Mart fish and send in letters sooner or later Wal Mart Executives will notice and will try to fix the problem.. These people want your money and dont want pissed off customers and bad public relations.. Those things both mean lower profits for them..The more letters they recieve the more likely the will take this issue serious.

By involving PETA and the other animal rights groups you add alot of clout to your message and they can provide a nation/world wide awareness to the issue if they take up the cause as well..

The above is my 2cents worth on the issue if you want to get something done.

on a personal note. I refuse to buy Wal Mart fish and equipment and have for years felt this way.
Adrinal said:
bstier said:
but remember you can save some fish when you get them from there. Thats what i always think.
:no: :no: :no: :no: :no:

Supply and demand.

This thought is so wrong... not trying to attack you directly.

This thinking though is what kills fish. You buying with your purchacing power is saying, "yes this is OK!" Thats all it communicates.
Furthermore, you just sent a signal to BRING IN MORE FISH at the register when the sku went through.

PLZ if you folks don't like this stuff going on DONT BUY ANY PET SUPPLYS, DONT BUY PETS, and continue to look down (but not too hard) on the people who do.
That is the most powerful thing you can do to set things right.

The saving a fish theory is juvinile at best and you should know that it is your buck driving the market.
i totally agree with your comments on "saving" fish.
I think the best way to "save" these fish would be to drop a cyanide tablet in there water by the time you see them they have been in amonia too long. It's sad

It's true. Some people just can't understand that fish are living, breathing creatures that GOD made!!!! (srry if you don't believe in God) My Walmart is terrible and our Petco is bad too. :angry: I boycotted Walmart a long time ago and haven't bought anything there for at least half a year, except for this decoration I wanted really bad. :/
Aqua_Princess64 said:
I boycotted Walmart a long time ago and haven't bought anything there for at least half a year, except for this decoration I wanted really bad. :/
Its the amazing conviction to our strongly outspoken causes that pumps me full of confidence in our culture!


Ours is horrible too! The fish aren't any good, they don't have any equipment besides the bare minimum needed, the employees are idiots, and the conditions are horrible! :X

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