My vieja is trying to assassinate my oscars


New Member
Jun 7, 2020
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Hobart tasmania
What can i do my vieja is trying to assassinate my 2 oscars, they have grown up together and they are the same size as eachother.
My oscars are so frightened, i also came home to my firemouth who had passed away a few days ago, i dont know if the vieja assassinated that one or the oscars acidently killed it because they are so jumpy at the moment..

I have tried so many times to re home the vieja but no one wants it, and i dont have the heart to flush it or do anything malicious to it sigh..

And i cant keep up with buying it a tank for itself i already have the american tank and a african tank..

Is there anything i can do?
If not what should i do now?

Here is the bully
Theres a very high chance that the Vieja was the culprit not the oscars. Although theres been websites stating oscars are aggressive - I can tell u now theyre more like water puppies. They seem to be aggressive with food not cichlids from my experience.

Vieja's are highly aggressive and even though they've grown up together that wouldnt be a factor. Unfortunately try separating them for a bit - move ur ornaments and deco's around to change the scenary.
I agre with Lajos if you can get a divider in temporarily that will help. I know you said no more tanks but would you be able to set one up even temporarily for a few weeks while you find an option for the fish? Even a plastic storage tub with a filter would probably be ok for a while until you find a suitable home for the Veija.

Can you give us a bit more info about your tank? It might help us work out what options you could have. How big is it and what other fish do you have in there?

You've mentioned trying to rehome them is this with other people or have you tried any of your local shops? Also just worth mentioning that flushing fish or putting them down in this circumstance is never ok...

I got offered a 28cm pleco for the fish and i accepted, i now own a giant pleco

Sorry i did not get back to everyone, i have took all of the info on board for future reference.

I will be careful of the fish i choose from now on and do more research if i am to ever buy another fish
So what happened to the Veija and the Oscars?
Yes vieja has gone to a good home.. on the upside i have woken up to a crystal clean fish tank.. i have never seen it so clean lol
Thankyou ☺ i will be changing it up a bit now that we have the pleco, i brought a big bit of driftwood today, i cant wait to put it in once it has soaked for a couple of days

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