My update thread


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
Ft.Worth TX
I hung up my cute little ribbons from the previous show last night and figured it was the perfect time to do an update thread for my sig :thumbs: Might as well,now that I have found good ol' photobucket :hyper:
First up is my ever changing betta room. With my gorgeous poster that Ms.Sorrell bought for me and that Sir bkk toted back from Thailand :thumbs:
Here's the entryway..
Pardon the haziness, I apparently had a visitor of some sort as I took pics. So pesky!!




Couple of my marble boys..



My pwecious lil man..

And finally,my youngest batch who are like 7 weeks old. I'm really not sure :*)




Lastly...I got a blue/purple male from this spawn!! OoOoOh,I could just die. He'll go wonderfully with my purple/blue girl from the first spawn :hyper:

And a green female to go with lil man. I can hardly wait until I spawn again in the fall :hyper:

I'll take pics of some of my gorgeous crownies later to add/edit.
Thanks for looking!! :)
All I can say is WOW.

Within the next few week's I'll be starting to breed some betta's myself, so I am sure I'll be seeking your advice, many many times...

That room is crazy.

Aprox how many fish do you have?
That room is crazy.

Aprox how many fish do you have?
Crazy indeed,but it's the room I spend a large percentage of my time in daily. I love it.

I couldn't tell you how many fish I have. I had two really,really large spawns that swamped me and put the rest of my breeding ventures on hold until I house/show/sell the remaining offspring. I easily have 500 atm. But a lot are females who live in groups so it's ok.

Good luck with your breeding :thumbs:
Love it! :hyper: So happy you decided to post some pictures, and the fish are just to die for :drool:
I'm guessing 90% of your day is doing water changes? :p

I had a dream a few nights ago that I was at your house looking at your bettas, but it didn't look nothing like that (there wasn't so many bettas in my dream) :lol:

awesome room Wuv :thumbs: and beautiful fish, as always ;)
wow, looks awesome!!!! i started to try to count the jars in the pics, and then just's impossible! and here i was frowning at the 7 jars i currently have lined up to get into their new tanks :p ....
is the stereo so you and the bettas can jam during water changes?
The fish jam all day,whether I'm there or not B) They actually pout if it's not on.

Thanks guys!!

And Whiskerz you can come hang out anytime ;) Quiite a haul from canada though. Be sure and stuff your pockets full of bettas!
Thank you,Styx. and I haven't forgotten your yellow and blacks. I'm just slow-mo.
awesome as always Wuv :thumbs:
your betta boys are cool too :flex:

[offtopic] What happend to the all seeing eye ball(avatar)? :eek: [offtopic/]

Man, u are one dedicated betta keeper! Or should i say betta person.... :shifty: lol

I havmt seen bettas in cereal containers before! That gave me a kick! :p

So how many roughly estimated would u have there?
I looove the cereal containers :lol: I can just pour the betta out for a water change,no lid removal and whatnot :hyper: Not sure how many. I don't think I want to know.

What happend to the all seeing eye ball(avatar)?
In my profile for now :thumbs:

Thanks you guys :wub:

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