Tank Updates

Awesome! Thanks for IDing it for me. :good:

He/she (not sure to tell with that variant) gets along with the others great.

Are the purples usually more expensive? I’m just asking, because they sold me that one for free. (They actually gave me that one and another super small one for free, because they didn’t think they would live - guess I proved them wrong!)
My lfs had them listed for same price as normal ones, $7 each.
Yeesh. Mine are $4 each, or $20 for 6.
Works out similarly
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I keep forgetting that Canadian dollars are more than American dollars. :blink:
Theyre pretty fish. Originally that tank was just the gourami and the loaches, but they were so shy, I decided to try out a dither fish to help them feel more comfortable. But a gamble because my gourami is either terrified of some tankmates or absolutely hates them lol
These guys worked out though very well
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The purple rasboras are on my "must have some day" list.
Can you imagine a tank with the purple and some Espie rasboras? I can ♡
Add some Ember tetras (if parameters match), Harlequins if not. .
And Chilis
AND those green ones...(Kubatoi?)
Then, Scissortail rasboras---really quite stunning.
Something blue???
At first I thought that he/she was just discolored. That’s cool that I found out what it really is! :fish: :)
Interesting, appears to be the same as mine... maybe:
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Absolutely a trash photo, but he’s the all black one.

I figured that he was just discolored... :dunno:

I know this is an old thread and comment, but in case you still have these fish, at least one of them (the one front right, closest to the camera) looks like it might be a t.espei, to me anyway. I also had one of those mixed in with some harlequins, essjay said it's quite common for one of the other similar colour varients or species to get mixed into a batch of harlequins. The black line on the body looks smaller and neater to me, and the overall body size will be slightly smaller. Let me know if you think any are!
I know this is an old thread and comment, but in case you still have these fish, at least one of them (the one front right, closest to the camera) looks like it might be a t.espei, to me anyway. I also had one of those mixed in with some harlequins, essjay said it's quite common for one of the other similar colour varients or species to get mixed into a batch of harlequins. The black line on the body looks smaller and neater to me, and the overall body size will be slightly smaller. Let me know if you think any are!
Thank you for the concern, but I don’t think he has it. He is still alive and well!! He is now chilling in the 20g long.
Thank you for the concern, but I don’t think he has it. He is still alive and well!! He is now chilling in the 20g long. View attachment 139276

Has it? It's not an illness or disease, lol. T.espei is just a different species that sometimes gets mixed up or mixed in with harlequins

But they're slightly smaller, more copper coloured, and the black "lambchop" is more narrow. But looking at the new photo, you're right, they do all look like normal harlequins :) In that first pic you had, the one at the front did look a bit espei like to me, so thought you might find it interesting to check!

It's nice that you have a purple one mixed in too, I'm not a big harlequin fan, but I kinda want some of the purple ones now!
Has it? It's not an illness or disease, lol. T.espei is just a different species that sometimes gets mixed up or mixed in with harlequins
View attachment 139278

But they're slightly smaller, more copper coloured, and the black "lambchop" is more narrow. But looking at the new photo, you're right, they do all look like normal harlequins :) In that first pic you had, the one at the front did look a bit espei like to me, so thought you might find it interesting to check!

It's nice that you have a purple one mixed in too, I'm not a big harlequin fan, but I kinda want some of the purple ones now!
Ah, ok! That’s really interesting! I’ll check when I get home!!

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