My Turtle Setups...


New Member
Jul 19, 2006
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Here are two of my turtle setups:

Red Eared Slider Enclosure:
Let me tell you something. Red Eared Sliders are one of the most abused reptiles in the trade. Pet shops sell them will false information (incluing the 'grow to the size of the tank' rubbish) and with a little plastic bowl. Let me show you what a real turtle tank should look like. In this tank is my pride and joy, my 8 year old RES, at a mere 4.5". Terra was the 'runt' as you might say, the last of the batch, and as a result I have dedicated myself to making her thrive. The tank equipment is as follows:
-55G tank, 10G per inch, allowing room to grow (I will eventually need a 120G as RES grow 12")
-200W heater
-filter, rated for 3 times the volume of the tank to deal with the enormous waste load.
-ceramic light fixture and heat bulb
-5% UVB tube, plus starter unit
-Scattered Pebbles

Total cost of setup = £450 (for a £4 turtle)




Chinese Softshell Enclosure
If you're thinking of a softshell species as a beginner turtle, think again. They are the most vicous turtle I have seen in person, and spend most of their time hiding. Regardless of that, they still need 10G of water for every inch, and are prone to fungal infections. Pancake is my 2" Chinese Softshell, still a youngster. He feeds on a varied diet including bloodworm, defrost prawn, lancefish, night crawlers, mealworms, crickets, live fish, snails and reptomin pellets. Chinese softshells grow to 13", and have long necks capable of biting you in an 'exorcist' pose. They do also bask, contrary to popular belief that they are fully aquatic.
Tank equipment as follows:
-20G tank (going to have to upgrade shortly, he's growing like a weed)
-50W heater
-Sand substrate (softies are the only turtle recommended to be kept on a substrate other than large river rocks)
-Small internal power filter
-50W spotlight
-5% UVB light and starter unit
-Mopani wood basking area




Any questions, just ask here or PM me,
Verrry Nice. That looks like a good setup and I think both of your turtles are happy! Hopefully this will help people looking to get a turtle, so they realize exactly how big of a tank turtles need when full grown.
Great pictures, tanks, turtles, and information Paul :good: Thanks for sharing :D I like Terra's tank lots, especially the basking area, good job with that ;) And I can't wait to see the next picture of Pancake on your hand, or maybe your hand in the turtle's mouth? :crazy: Thanks for sharing.
Haha thanks for comments. I will try to capture the moment Pancake takes one of my fingers off :D
fab tanks paul, your turtles look very happy, lol.
what do you suggest is the best species of turtle for begginners?
As a beginner species, many people make the mistake of getting a RES because they are so abundant. Unfortunatly, they grow so large that I do not agree with this. Musk turtles are a good beginner. They stay a lot smaller (4-6"), so can live happily in a 55G for life, and decent breeders are easy to find, unlike RES where breeders are just in it for money ;) Musks are also pretty cheap, maybe $20 for one.
As a beginner species, many people make the mistake of getting a RES because they are so abundant. Unfortunatly, they grow so large that I do not agree with this. Musk turtles are a good beginner. They stay a lot smaller (4-6"), so can live happily in a 55G for life, and decent breeders are easy to find, unlike RES where breeders are just in it for money ;) Musks are also pretty cheap, maybe $20 for one.
I agree, RES really are not a beginners turtle in the long run because you will have to provide them with a 100 - 120 gallon tank or a small pond as they grow.

You should make a video of Pancake swimming around with your finger in his mouth and put it on YouTube :shifty:
Painted turtles can also make good beginner turtles. They grow a little larger than musks, especially females, but they are, IMO, more attractive and they bask more, if that's what you want.

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