~~my Trip To The Georgia Aquarium~~ Over 50 Pics


Fish Crazy
Sep 11, 2006
Reaction score
I already posted this in the Marine and Reef section but I thought it would be good to share it with all.

This is one link you'll never regret clicking.]
cant post links to other fish forums. against rules i guess, (tolak took mine off)
great pics. I like that place. I think I might still like the one in Chattanooga better, though. (minus the whale shark, of course)
yay penguins :D african black footed/jack a$$ penguins right?? i miss being able to work with them at our zoo here. very nice pics though.
As mentioned, it's only a matter of time bfore your thread gets deleted and you have some great pics. It looks like you already have them uploaded onto a hosting site like photobucket so why not remove the link and post the photos instead so it doesn't get trashed.
oh who cares about it being a link to another forum, thats so childish to fret about that

and someone should tell the Georgia Aquarium they are over stocking ha ha ha,

nice pics mate, very nice, joking about the over stocking, but why the childish attitude about it being from another forum, its a like a school playground mentality, lets be adults and just enjoy the pics

EDIT: this forum has thousands of members, its very active, i am sure the mods are not so in-secure to worry about this
oh who cares about it being a link to another forum
How about the system admin. It is against forum rules.

"No promoting of other competing sites either in the forum, chat room or private message system."

From here.

EDIT: this forum has thousands of members, its very active, i am sure the mods are not so in-secure to worry about this
It has nothing to do with them being secure. They are mods and they and they have to enforce the rules. Otherwise the forum would go downhill in a hurry.

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