My Tnk Has Come :)

Lets see those pics Rob ;) I've been watching this thread for a while now and can't wait to see it up and running.:good:
hello every one well here is all those pics i told you about. i have a few zoos and mushes, but there are some little bug that i am not to shure about, so if you could help me out that would be great. any way i hope you all like, going to get my clean up crew soon as well :D (already have a crab unshure of type loads of copods bristares, and other small worms and thing, and even some small snails its so cool :D )









what is this little guy called i think he is one of the zoo killing thing but i could be wrong


can any one id the pink thing , there are a few of them some are blue and some are pink very cool


many thanks ROB :good:
excellent work so far rob!!

ill post some pics of my tank up later, let you all see what u think, its come on so well im so pleased i feel me and rob could trade some good ideas and stuff as our tanks are very similar :)

excellent work again! love watching your thread!
First invert looks like a sedentary filter feeder, not a zooanthid eating nudibranch. Dunno what the later ones are... Never seen those before :blink:
well i have been down to my Not so LFS and took the pic wih me, the pink things are some form of sponge, they are grow to a fare old size and look very nice to. i must say that mine are twise the size of what they were when i first saw them. the cycle has started and finnish a few days ago. i am not stating to get some brown algy on the floor of the tank. for this i have inlisted the help of 3 true turbo snail, 3 Indian ocean hermit crabs, and a medium size mithx crab (that is so not how you spell it, he eat bubble algy ) not a big clean up crew but it will do untill i get some cheap red legs. any way will be starting up the sump to night and then the skimmer on thursday. all going well thus far :D . the count down for fish is now 10 weeks, let me tell you i cant wait :D.

will get some more pics up of my new friends soon :D

many thanks ROB :) :good:
i am not stating to get some brown algy on the floor of the tank.

Welcome to diatoms, I have been graced with their presence too, the turbo/trochus snails love it on the glass and rockwork, but not so much on the gravel for some reason?

I use a syphon/gravel hoover for the diatoms on the gravel
once youve settled in a bit and sifting starfish will mix up your gravel enough to get it off your gravel aswell ;)
ok the tank has now been up and running for about 4 weeks now, and to say that it is alive is an understatement every where i look there are laods of tiny copods , and little shrimp, snails. a few things that look like slugs. also when i get home i have hundreds of tiny white critters all over the glass. also i must have 20 bristle stars . these number seem to be getting out of control now and i dont think i can run the tank for 8 more weeks with out something to eat them, ie some sort of fish . please help

also should i gravle vac yea or na :)

many thanks rob :good:
dont worry lots of those little critter will die off on their own naturally, thats what happened in my tank, i thought i was gonna be plagued there will tons of the buggers but eventually they recided on their own so dont panic :)

i do gravel vac mine but a hell of a lot less frequently than i do my tropical tanks, ie my tanks been up and running about 6months and ive vacced it twice! i prefer to let the CUC do the gravel for me and i only intervein when i deem it needs it

I have only just jumped on this thread, :rolleyes:

What a hand of inspiration you guys are on here, I have a 55gal tropical but moving onto a reef late this year! :hyper: Already have put away £680, wonna try and push it £1500, this thread is great! You must be very proud of what you have done, best of luck with it, once I get going I will certainly do a video blog! A good 4 minutes killed at work watching that! I take my hat off to you sir! THIS IS GREAT!!! :good:
many thanks mate, happy to help and i m doing this for people just like yourself. i had alway wanted to go the extra step but alway held back , then a good friend pushed me into it . and well hear i am.

well boys and girls, i did a bad thing today. i bought a fish :(, i could not hold out any longer. Now i have waited about 5-6 weeks once the live rock went in, but i would have loved to wait the full 12 weeks. anyway it is now done :D. but as i was getting a small algy problem i invested money in a medium sized unicorn tang. he is very cool and loves the green stuff. he has been in a few days now and you can see the improvement in the tank. next on the list will be one more tang sailfin i think and then on to two clowns, and a few shrimp :). well only time will tell. also would love a gobby and pistol combo :blush: any way will get a pick of my tang up now

many thanks ROB :good:
Just a heads up Rob, Tangs can sometimes be aggressive if added to a tank first and given time to establish. Make sure all new additions are released into the water just before lights-out :good:

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